How do you stop an Apple Watch from calling the emergency services

Fabric (+ water) does strange things to these watches. I was out running in the rain some time ago and my wet shirt sleeve managed to both swipe the screen to bring up the workout buttons and then press the correct button to end the run! I was not amused.
I've got a particular jacket which I know brushes against the screen and I've found all sorts of strange things happening when I'm out walking. I just use the water screen lock now when I wear that jacket.
Fabric (+ water) does strange things to these watches. I was out running in the rain some time ago and my wet shirt sleeve managed to both swipe the screen to bring up the workout buttons and then press the correct button to end the run! I was not amused.
Yep, had mine end the walking workout I was on and start a running workout. Usually I have my sleeves rolled up at my elbows, but it was mid-winter and I'd switched to something heavier cos it was bloody freezing and I didn't want a fatal case of goosebumps. That's a thing, right?
Yep, had mine end the walking workout I was on and start a running workout. Usually I have my sleeves rolled up at my elbows, but it was mid-winter and I'd switched to something heavier cos it was bloody freezing and I didn't want a fatal case of goosebumps. That's a thing, right?

Dunno! I'm so fat I sweat even in mid-winter. :D
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