How do you WASD

but it hadn't occurred to me that when some people were saying they went for WASD that they did it in the way this guy did - with little finger on A and ring finger moving between W and S for forward and backward movement. I've tried it and it feels incredibly uncomfortable to me.
The little finger was made for Shift and Control, nothing else!!!!
lefty here and ive always used the usual right handed setup
Middle finger on W/S
Ring finger on A
Index Finger on D

maybe due to my siblings being right handed so growing up the pc was always set up with the mouse on the right so thats how i used it..
trying to use the mouse with my left hand just feels odd
WASD with little finger on Shift / Control. I remember back when I first started Counter-Strike I used a very weird layout:
RMB - move forward
, - step left
. - step right
M - crouch
N - walk

Didn't even have move backwards bound, retreating is for the weak! :p
Yarr godamn right! Cursors+numpad ftw.
W/S: middle finger
A: ring finger
D: index finger
Left shift/ctrl: little finger (usually used for prone)

However the thing that boggles friends minds is i remap run to V so end up using my thumb for the below.

C: crouch
V: sprint/focus
Space: Jump

I rock my thumb down from V onto space to runjump/ runvault. Down side is i ruin some keyboards as the space bar tends to be lopsided
Ah I tried the mouse wheel buttons, mine can be pushed left and right and in some games they been set to "Roll left or Roll right" for aircraft flying.

Can't really use them in FPS games, it's too awkward to push the wheel left or right while also holding the sights up and to fire.

I love to get myself a USB foot switch where I can bind lean left and lean right.

Only real big change I make to my inputs is changing E to jump. Action key is normally Enter or Space bar.
WASD with little finger on Shift / Control. I remember back when I first started Counter-Strike I used a very weird layout:
RMB - move forward
, - step left
. - step right
M - crouch
N - walk

Didn't even have move backwards bound, retreating is for the weak! :p

Do you have large hands? For me the stretch of the thumb over to the M whilst still touching WASD is too much.

Also - I could never get my head around RMB move forward! I know it used to be the default set-up just before I starting playing games, but it really seems alien!

Yarr godamn right! Cursors+numpad ftw.

So, finally another lefty with pinky using the keypad?

The other thing is, before I got into using Auto Hotkey when needed, I tried IJKL with my right hand, thumb on space and pinky on / (WASD is just too close to my mouse). Despite this being the closest thing to a mirror-image of the right-hander's WASD I just didn't like it. The keys are all so close together I was constantly mis-pressing keys. Also, when my hand had to move too much, to reach a number bar key for instance, I found my hand returning to the wrong keys (like OKL; ) (this is just lack of muscle memory I guess). With arrow keys, Del, End, Pg Dn and the num_pad I hardly ever mis-press a key (occasionally I'll select the wrong weapon or skill with my pinky in a fast-pitched moment, but not too often) and there's no other position my hand can be in when returning to rest. I don't think there's any way I can ever change now!
I converted from the arrow keys, which for me was first finger on left, middle on up/down, ring finger on right, little finger on Num0. I just lifted this but reversed when I converted to WASD. Ring on A, middle on W/S, first on D, little finger on shift.
Pinky gets used for Shift and Ctrl, Ring finger on A, middle finger for W and S, first finger for D. All other keys that I use whilst gaming are within reach and doesn't require my hand to move.

I don't think I've ever seen anyone use their pinky for A.
Exactly this.

Yes - a fellow traveller at last! :)

Right shift for sprint, right ctrl for crouch, num_pad 0 for jump, num_pad . for reload?

Do you have any difficulties with this set-up? I sometimes find I run low on keys in games with lots of actions, skills or weapons. And I don't really like using Ins, Home and Pg Up unless I really need to. I can't really do much with my thumb other than keep it on crouch or cover arrow keys when needed. My pinky ends up doing a lot of work.

I converted from the arrow keys, which for me was first finger on left, middle on up/down, ring finger on right, little finger on Num0. I just lifted this but reversed when I converted to WASD. Ring on A, middle on W/S, first on D, little finger on shift.

Wait - that sounds like you converted from a left-handed to a right-handed set-up? How did you manage that? I can use a mouse in my right hand, but it's way too inaccurate and clumsy for gaming. Perhaps you're more ambidextrous than I am?
Yes - a fellow traveller at last! :)

Right shift for sprint, right ctrl for crouch, num_pad 0 for jump, num_pad . for reload?

Do you have any difficulties with this set-up? I sometimes find I run low on keys in games with lots of actions, skills or weapons. And I don't really like using Ins, Home and Pg Up unless I really need to. I can't really do much with my thumb other than keep it on crouch or cover arrow keys when needed. My pinky ends up doing a lot of work.

I like the setup, never usually run out of keys on the number pad, as most of the action/skill buttons were setup for the 1 - 10 keys on the keyboard anyway. I als tend to use right shift/num_pad_0 for jumping/sprinting and right crtl crouching, then del & page down for leaning left & right & end for zoom, if not the right mouse button.
As a lefty I use index finger on the up arrow, the other two fingers on left and right arrows and the pinky on numpad 0 which I use for sprint. numpad one for crouch or prone, and then the block of six keys in front of the arrows - insert ,home, page up etc for various other stuff
I like the setup, never usually run out of keys on the number pad, as most of the action/skill buttons were setup for the 1 - 10 keys on the keyboard anyway. I als tend to use right shift/num_pad_0 for jumping/sprinting and right crtl crouching, then del & page down for leaning left & right & end for zoom, if not the right mouse button.

Ah yeah, exactly the same finger layout as I use. I think it works great as well - for 99% of games. There is the odd one where the number of required keys has been ridiculous and I've been stretching for [ ] ; ' etc. But putting the least-used controls on those means I don't have to use them too often.

As a lefty I use index finger on the up arrow, the other two fingers on left and right arrows and the pinky on numpad 0 which I use for sprint. numpad one for crouch or prone, and then the block of six keys - insert ,home, page up etc for various other stuff

So, index finger on the up arrow? I can't figure that one out! And what's jump in this set-up?
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Wait - that sounds like you converted from a left-handed to a right-handed set-up? How did you manage that? I can use a mouse in my right hand, but it's way too inaccurate and clumsy for gaming. Perhaps you're more ambidextrous than I am?

I didn't play FPS games before I used WASD. I used to play racing games mainly (as I was <10 years old!) like Ignition and NetworkQ Rally Championship, which I did with my right hand on the arrow keys. Then when I got Medal of Honour Allied Assault I had a lot of muscles to train on my left hand for WASD (even if resting my fingers on their felt natural thanks to up, down, left, right)
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