How do you WASD

W = middle finger
A = middle finger
S = ring finger
D = index finger
CTRL = pinky
Spacebar = thumb
Tab = ring finger
Q = ring finger
E = ring finger
Z = ring finger

Guess which game this is useful for?
like most i'm ws middle finger, a ring finger and d index finger

then it's pinky for shift and thumb on spacebar.

i also tend to try and standardise my in-game controls. tab is always inventory, mmb is always mellee, f is always special ability, g is always grenade, c is always toggle crouch with z being toggle prone if it's a seperate key required and v is always changing modes on weaponry (with t as changing optics, basically it's battlefield controls)

then normally i'll put primary and secondary on my forward/back mouse buttons then keep whatever gun i've set to the closest one (i have stubby cornish thumbs) as my shtf gun so in survival games it's the one i'll never use unless it's a pitched battle.

almost never use ctrl, unless it's unchangable.
W = middle finger
A = middle finger
S = ring finger
D = index finger
CTRL = pinky
Spacebar = thumb
Tab = ring finger
Q = ring finger
E = ring finger
Z = ring finger

Guess which game this is useful for?

Is this a mistype or do you actually use this? I cant even get my fingers to go to half them places without crossing them over each over and some weird twisting lol :)
Is this a mistype or do you actually use this? I cant even get my fingers to go to half them places without crossing them over each over and some weird twisting lol :)

I meant E = index finger. The rest is accurate. lol

W = middle finger
A = middle finger
S = ring finger
D = index finger
CTRL = pinky
Spacebar = thumb
Tab = ring finger
Q = ring finger
E = index finger
Z = ring finger
Am an arrow man. I have a Razor Naga Epic Chroma to make up for the lack of surrounding keys and had various MMO mice previous to that. Right ctrl is jump and right shift is crouch.
Ah, I always use numpad 0 for jump, with my pinky. It it difficult to reach the space bar with your thumb? What do you use right ctrl for?

I often find I need to run more often than I need to jump so holding numpad 0 is more convenient for me as my fingers are still all on the arrow keys, I used to have a side button for jump but lots of games won't recognise it now so I use r/shift. as for right cntrl- I generally set it for mellee.

I think left handers have more convenient options by using the arrow keys, there are approx 16 keys in easy reach without moving your hand along the board because you can utilise the block of six keys directly above .
The main board has three rows of letter keys to utilise but the numpad end has 5
I'm basically screwed, Not only am I a Lefty (I use the Lefties Deathadder) but I also took a head injury years back that lost me the use of my right hand. I have some movement back but no sense of touch other than in the thumb and 1st finger so I have to use just them, It's why I don't bother with fast paced twitch games, anything that needs ultra fast movements is out, I've tried them but I look like a fraggle (on screen) the sort of fella you wouldn't want on your squad. :D
I often find I need to run more often than I need to jump so holding numpad 0 is more convenient for me as my fingers are still all on the arrow keys, I used to have a side button for jump but lots of games won't recognise it now so I use r/shift. as for right cntrl- I generally set it for mellee.

I think left handers have more convenient options by using the arrow keys, there are approx 16 keys in easy reach without moving your hand along the board because you can utilise the block of six keys directly above .
The main board has three rows of letter keys to utilise but the numpad end has 5

Yeah, I actually thinks it's a good set-up and definintely prefer it to the possible alternatives. Interesting what you say about needing to run more than jump. I'd not really thought of that, but I guess it's probably true. Probablty more than crouch even more so. But I am so set in my ways of having 0 for jump and ctrl for crouch it would take me ages to readjust. When I move my index finger to right shift to sprint, my thumb comes across to cover the left arrow, so I do still have all four arrow keys cvered even it's not ergonomically ideal.

I'm basically screwed, Not only am I a Lefty (I use the Lefties Deathadder) but I also took a head injury years back that lost me the use of my right hand. I have some movement back but no sense of touch other than in the thumb and 1st finger so I have to use just them, It's why I don't bother with fast paced twitch games, anything that needs ultra fast movements is out, I've tried them but I look like a fraggle (on screen) the sort of fella you wouldn't want on your squad. :D

Ah, that sucks! :(

No chance of any further recovery?
Pretty much this is my GTA set up

W = middle finger
A = Ring finger
S = Middle finger
D = index finger
CTRL = pinky
SFT = Pinky
ALT = thumb
Spacebar = thumb
Tab = pinky/ring finger
Q = ring finger
E/F/G = index finger
Z = thumb
X = Thumb

Then I use Arrow keys with my right hand, same set up as WASD and numpad 4 5 6 8 using my thumb on the arrow keys when I am flying in GTA for phone menu...
Ah, that sucks! :(

No chance of any further recovery?

Not now, Apparently the brain repairs itself as much as it can in the first 2 years but after that you've pretty much got whatever you're getting back back, I was lucky, at first it was all floppy & completely useless but around 3 months after the accident I started getting some wrist, thumb and finger movement back which made all the difference. As mentioned earlier it's lucky that I'm a left hander. :)
There are definite strengths and weaknesses to my right-hand-on-the-arrow-keys set-up - most notably my pinky can end up doing a lot of work, and my thumb can't reach many keys. But, for those right-handers using their left hands on the arrow keys - how do you manage to map enough keys you can hit? Isn't most of the number pad (like about the 1,2,3 line) too difficult to hit with your thumb? Or does the index finger hit the keypad keys? And you don't have as many keys within reach of the pinky, do you?

For me personally I am right handed and use my left hand on the arrow keys and my index finger does all the work on the numpad and least 1,2,3,4,5, and 6 and then if I need to use 7,8,and 9 I use my middle finger or index. As for my pinky it can read the right shift and Ctrl or even the # button. Also use the 6 keys above the arrow keys for extra's if needed mainly for MMO's for inventory, character sheet, quests etc.

Its a very odd setup key wise that I use but I have been using it since pffffft Windows 95 so am very used to it, the only real issue is I need to remap all the keys on every single game and some games don't allow me to remap the Enter button which I normally assign to "Use" and also the numpad keys in games like Destiny 2 I can't rebind ingame for some reason the numpad just doesn't work so need to use my Corsair software, a lot of hassle but once done I am great :)

Pro's to the Corsair keyboards is that a different profile can be set to load on a per executable file so as soon as Destiny 2 launches it loads a new profile etc.
Its a very odd setup key wise that I use but I have been using it since pffffft Windows 95 so am very used to it, the only real issue is I need to remap all the keys on every single game and some games don't allow me to remap the Enter button which I normally assign to "Use" and also the numpad keys in games like Destiny 2 I can't rebind ingame for some reason the numpad just doesn't work so need to use my Corsair software, a lot of hassle but once done I am great :)

Pro's to the Corsair keyboards is that a different profile can be set to load on a per executable file so as soon as Destiny 2 launches it loads a new profile etc.

Are you saying that the Corsair software lets you map keys to the keypad even in games that don't allow this by default (this is one of my biggest bugbears with games!)? Is this all Corsair keyboards? That would be something relevant to my interests.
Are you saying that the Corsair software lets you map keys to the keypad even in games that don't allow this by default (this is one of my biggest bugbears with games!)? Is this all Corsair keyboards? That would be something relevant to my interests.

it's a macro system built into the keyboard drivers, you can rebind any key to do any other key function or series of functions.

for example i had one set up that would turn toggle aim in bioshock infinite into hold to aim because there was no in-game way of doing it.

the corsair system works on executables, so you tie your mapping, macros, key colours and default mouse dpi settings to the specific application and it automatically applies them when tabbed into that application.
it's a macro system built into the keyboard drivers, you can rebind any key to do any other key function or series of functions.

for example i had one set up that would turn toggle aim in bioshock infinite into hold to aim because there was no in-game way of doing it.

the corsair system works on executables, so you tie your mapping, macros, key colours and default mouse dpi settings to the specific application and it automatically applies them when tabbed into that application.

Ah right, like the by-app sensitivty settings on Razer mice?

That does sound useful though for key bindings. I am considering getting a new keyboard soon and was looking at Ducky ones, but might take a look at Corsair now.
Ah right, like the by-app sensitivty settings on Razer mice?

That does sound useful though for key bindings. I am considering getting a new keyboard soon and was looking at Ducky ones, but might take a look at Corsair now.

yeah, it even works with alt+tabbing and if you have an rgb board it'll change the colour scheme as well.

only downside is if you're playing an fps at 1600dpi then tab out to the desktop at 6800dpi it can take a second or two to adjust.
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