I have the same problem as you.
Ordered the ThermalTake Soprano though. My case currently is very small, like small as hell, so small I have the side off so the cables can be free and not pushed in.
Anyway switching cases does take some time, if you know what your doing its simple enough. Switching all the hardware from one case to the other. Another reason I got the Soprano was because its tool free so you can just slide the harddrive in and lock it with the side lock. I don't really see any problems installing all of the hardware.
For me:
PSU, put up screw it in - 2 minutes
Mother board - Put in place, secured - 5 minutes
Harddrive - Slide in place, lock - 15 seconds
Floppy - Slide in place, lock - 15 seconds
Dvd rw and dvd - Slide in place, lock - 30 seconds
Graphics card put in place - 20 seconds
Memory put in place - 40 seconds
CPU - Think I'll just leave it attatched to the motherboard.
Sound, other small devices - 2 minutes.
Attatching cables from psu to components - 2 minutes.
Making sure everything is in place another 2 minutes.
Give it 15 minutes to transfer it all over. Thats just an estimate lol, but that is probly rushed so I wouldn't rush.