how hard to make this?

Most things done in flash are never hard, just time consuming i've found.
More time you put into it , the better looking the final product will be.
Best thing for learning flash is google for tutorials, or buy a book, like the Flash MX bible, has everything you need to know about Flash :)
can someone post me to a link to download the latest flash software thing. I have tried from adobe, and it downloaded, but then when i try to install it asks for language, does something likes its installing but then just quits (i think) and thats the last i hear from it. Aynone know if a differnt download will work or is it something on my pc? wheni install i exit Firefox
Flash 8 is the latest.
Download a 30 day trial here.
Good luck. Flash is very rewarding once you get stuck in - yielding impressive results very quickly.
Flash 8 is the latest.
Download a 30 day trial here.
Good luck. Flash is very rewarding once you get stuck in - you will get impressive results very quickly.

Edit - as a noob I'd suggest searching for online tutorials as opposed to getting the Bible as mentioned earlier. It's a good book but I find it more useful as a reference guide.

The built-in tutorials once downloaded are very good for teaching the basics.
Just as a general tip; try not to get too sucked in to creating sites made 100% in flash. They're not as accessible or search engine friendly as HTML versions.
iCraig said:
Just as a general tip; do not at all costs get too sucked in to creating sites made 100% in flash. They're not as accessible or search engine friendly as HTML versions.

You could make an exact copy of that site with XHTML/CSS (and a bit of degradable JavaScript). All you would lose is the irritating roll-over effects on the navigation items and previews on the left-hand side (although you can still have a roll-over effect, you can't have anything as "flashy" as that without a lot of messy JavaScript), the similarly irritating background music (whoever thought embedding music in websites would be a good idea deserves to have their ears ripped off with a chainsaw), and the transition effects on the photos. There really is no need to use flash to construct a site of that caliber (or any caliber, to be quite honest).

Macromedia Studio 8 costs ~£800, Flash Professional 8 ~£500. If you use a trial copy to make the website, how are you going to update it - add new photos, make changes etc.? A simple text editor, your copy of Photoshop and a book on web design? Probably about £20, maximum, and you'll learn a skill which will actually mean something in later life.

av. :)

Edit: You say you "know html/xhtml, css, javascript, and basic php+SQL", so why are you even asking about this? You should be able to whip something like this up (sans the useless effects mentioned earlier) in a matter of minutes!
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To be fair av if he's going to be buying a genuine copy of Flash, he would be buying a genuine copy of Photoshop, which costs a damn sight more than £20. :p Unless he already has a copy, in which case I'm rambling. :)
iCraig said:
To be fair av if he's going to be buying a genuine copy of Flash, he would be buying a genuine copy of Photoshop, which costs a damn sight more than £20. :p Unless he already has a copy, in which case I'm rambling. :)
addy_010 said:
Also know Photoshop to make the look
Well he "knows" Photoshop. I don't know if he has a copy of it ;)
Al Vallario said:
Well he "knows" Photoshop. I don't know if he has a copy of it ;)

sorry i haven't replied in ages, went on holiday.

i do have photoshop but i dont own it, my friend has it for his university and this is a shared computer.

when i said i know html etc i meant that i have complteted tutorials online for them all except php & mySQL but there is in no way in the world i would know how to start a website like that, i would have to refer to websites for help a lot.

if people say its do able in html etc then can i get advice on how. so like what i'd need to start with, then how to layout the html code if that makes sense?

~I would really appreciate it

btw i will teach myself flash no matter what as i want to learn as much as possible, but i may not use it if people feel html would be a better option
addy_010 said:
btw i will teach myself flash no matter what as i want to learn as much as possible, but i may not use it if people feel html would be a better option

There is no way you can make that in html.
cannot do anything like that in html/css. Stay away from a pure flash site ... although, this may be good for me, because I have to tender a bid to remake a flash site in html/css ... why? not because of SEO ... but because it's a pig to update ... a 2000 pounds site cannot be maintained .. coz it's done in flash.

best idea, if you like that one, is to buy it.
Lagz said:
There is no way you can make that in html.

i meant javascript, css, xhtml etc, all the things i listed that i know

also is it possible to have some flash, but then in load html or whatever in the middle of it. so for instance, on the website i linked in first thread, the look of it is flash, buttons flash, but when clicked html or javascript is loaded then shown with the flash still there unchanged, so a new page isn't needed to be loaded and would allow for easy update of pictures, cv etc.
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addy_010 said:
also is it possible to have some flash, but then in load html or whatever in the middle of it. so for instance, on the website i linked in first thread, the look of it is flash, buttons flash, but when clicked html or javascript is loaded then shown with the flash still there unchanged, so a new page isn't needed to be loaded and would allow for easy update of pictures, cv etc.

I have limited flash knowledge, so this might not all be accurate:

You can load text etc into flash from elsewhere (i.e: from a html page which you can update easily), however it is by no means trivial. You can do it with Flash Remoting, however this is pretty expensive and you would have to write some kind of server backend to communicate with it. There is probably a much easier way, but you would have to look around for tutorials.
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