how hard to make this?

Lagz said:
There is no way you can make that in html.
Al Vallario said:
You could make an exact copy of that site with XHTML/CSS (and a bit of degradable JavaScript). All you would lose is the irritating roll-over effects on the navigation items and previews on the left-hand side (although you can still have a roll-over effect, you can't have anything as "flashy" as that without a lot of messy JavaScript), the similarly irritating background music (whoever thought embedding music in websites would be a good idea deserves to have their ears ripped off with a chainsaw), and the transition effects on the photos. There really is no need to use flash to construct a site of that caliber (or any caliber, to be quite honest).
HTML embedded in Flash would be just as bad as using Flash on it's own.
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