How is the O2/iPhone thing even legal?

You must be new to Apple products. People *are* willing to pay a premium, no matter whether you or I think it is right or wrong...

I don't think many of their other main stream products are too bad. iPod touch is very reasonable, Macbooks aren't too bad.
iphone on contact is for fools

payg £5 buddle for unlimted 3g or edge o2/t-mobile

iphone second-hand £200 8gb, 3g or 2g

so £35 month for 18 months i think not

now disagree
I don't think you get my point.

My last phone cost £450 total by the end of the contract. Is an iPhone really worth £350 more?

you probably got more minutes/texts on your last phone too :)

i dont think theyre worth it at all on a contract. better off with an ebay one and jailbreak/sim only o2
Simply: No.

I got an N95 8GB last year (when an iPhone was £279 + £35/Month contract :eek: ). The N95 8GB was functionally better than the iPhone (still better than the 3G) and was free on a £35/Month contract. Even now they're pretty evenly matched for price (N95 8GB SIM Free Vs. 8GB iPhone 3G on O2 PAYG), but Apple enjoy taking a good £100+ from you. Nice.
Simply: No.

I got an N95 8GB last year (when an iPhone was £279 + £35/Month contract :eek: ). The N95 8GB was functionally better than the iPhone (still better than the 3G) and was free on a £35/Month contract. Even now they're pretty evenly matched for price (N95 8GB SIM Free Vs. 8GB iPhone 3G on O2 PAYG), but Apple enjoy taking a good £100+ from you. Nice.

I tried one of them, all it has over the iPhone 2G was the GPS and 3G? :confused:

(BTW last year I tried every phone on the market before buying my £200 2G ;))
I tried one of them, all it has over the iPhone 2G was the GPS and 3G? :confused:

Currently, the iPhone 3G misses:

5MP Camera
640x480 @ 30FPS Video Recording
Proper Bluetooth (and everything that comes with it eg. sharing files, syncing wirelessly to Mac etc.)
User accessible file system
MS Office file support (read - edit with the paid-for app)
FULL GPS car/walk navigation (Google Maps can be downloaded too)
Background Applications
Full resolution picture emailing

Hell, I could go on with features the iPhone didn't have when I got mine. The fact that at an Apple keynote there was clapping for the new, amazing feature of... multi-person SMS! Kinda gives you my viewpoint of the iPhone fuctionality wise.

Don't get me wrong, the iPhone is a fantastic device. Just all the flashy UIness doesn't make up for its sub-par features. And, as with all Apple stuff, it's expensive for what it is.
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And, as with all Apple stuff, it's expensive for what it is.

This is an old and tired argument thrown at all Apple products. Yes, it's lacking a lot of features. A few of them are irritating, most aren't.

You could use the same argument against cars. Why pay so much more for a BMW that is the same engine spec as a Mondeo, when the Mondeo is so much cheaper? Why buy a Chesterfield when you can get something for half the price from DFS? There's more to a product than a list of features, even in electronics.

What you're paying for is a device that's actually had more than half an hour's thought put in to the design of it, something I value above any individual feature. It's the first phone I've bought that doesn't frustrate the hell out of me, and I use it all day for business emails and calls, as well as family and friends.

It's not the perfect device by any means, but it's the least bad mobile phone on the market. Competition from the Pre and G1 should force Apple to implement a lot of the software shortcomings, such as copy and paste and video recording.

Don't like the price don't buy one. Thats your choice.

Quoted for the truth.
Have they fixed the 3G radio on the iPhone now? When it launched it was deaf leaving people with reduced 3G coverage, reduced HSDPA data rates and reduced battery life.
What you're paying for is a device that's actually had more than half an hour's thought put in to the design of it, something I value above any individual feature. It's the first phone I've bought that doesn't frustrate the hell out of me...

That's where you and I differ. I can't argue that the iPhone is the best designed phone on the market. It's got the best OS and best UI, simple as. I, on the other hand, am not going to sacrifice such features as a good camera* and video recording for the self-gratification of a form-over-function phone. If you don't need those features, fine. If you can live without them, fine. I'd just prefer having the ability to take a picture in the dark than an iFart application :rolleyes:

I'm half tempted to sit next to you on the train/bus/whatever and start taking pictures with flash and video, sharing said picture/video over bluetooth with someone and then spend the rest of the journey playing Quake III**... just to make a point :p

If/when Apple release an iPhone with actual multimedia capabilities i'll be one of the first to get one.

*You'd think Apple, being all about the Music, Movies & Pictures would get that right.

**Yes, really, a full, unaltered version with bluetooth mouse & keyboard support

I'm on a £25 a month contract on orange (via various discounts and threatening to leave) and my next phone which is going to be a Touch HD or SE X1 is going to be free when my upgrade comes up.

Dont touch the se x1,

If your going to be using a phone on the web a lot i would get the iphone, it really does excel at it! i have had 3 lol.

Dont ask, i got fed up with the se x1 defaulting to wap sites when surfing and then having to scroll around the screen using the stylus to view a web page, it was pure pants to be honest, also the screen not being flush with the handset, it was sunken in, so you would get fluff and such on the screen which would then get caught in the corners when you cleaned it off.

Im sorry to say, but wm devices canna compete with the iphone at the moment. this is something that may change in the future, but i dont think the wm 6.5 will be the os on a phone to do it.

I went from a edge iphone to a 16gb black 3g phone, gave that to the missus and got an se x1, had that for a month and sold it, gone back to a white 16gb 3g iphone and not looking at anything else at the moment.
I, on the other hand, am not going to sacrifice such features as a good camera* and video recording for the self-gratification of a form-over-function phone. If you don't need those features, fine. If you can live without them, fine. I'd just prefer having the ability to take a picture in the dark than an iFart application :rolleyes:

I can take pictures in the dark, I have a nice SLR for that. The are plenty of gimmicks available on the app store, but they're optional, most phones have a gimmick user interface, which you have to live with for as long as you own it. Like you say, we disagree, but don't discount something as form-over-function because it doesn't have a function you want. Other than the rather obscenely overpriced Cinema Displays, I'd say Apple does a pretty good job of balancing aesthetics and usability.

I'm half tempted to sit next to you on the train/bus/whatever and start taking pictures with flash and video, sharing said picture/video over bluetooth with someone and then spend the rest of the journey playing Quake III**... just to make a point :p

What point? That your phone has more features? Great. If that's what you need to go about your way. I just need to stay in contact with my colleagues and friends, and I value being able to do it using a well designed device.
I'm half tempted to sit next to you on the train/bus/whatever and start taking pictures with flash and video, sharing said picture/video over bluetooth with someone and then spend the rest of the journey playing Quake III**... just to make a point :p

If/when Apple release an iPhone with actual multimedia capabilities i'll be one of the first to get one.

*You'd think Apple, being all about the Music, Movies & Pictures would get that right.

**Yes, really, a full, unaltered version with bluetooth mouse & keyboard support

I'd be very tempted to punch somebody who sat next to me whilst I was relaxing (or even working) on the train setting a flash off in my face especially if they were just trying to score points in some kind of my phone is better than yours competition.

The camera on the iPhone does what it needs to do. Sure it could be better but Apple won't sacrifice the form of the device. We'll see what happens in June.

As for the Bluetooth issue. I should imagine that would be obvious as to why it is limited. Apple have strict deals with the music industry and I very much doubt they are going to risk that market to allow a very small amount of people to Bluetooth pictures of their genitalia to other people. Ok that was facetious but you get the point.
Currently, the iPhone 3G misses:

5MP Camera - Not something I considered.. have an SLR.
Flash - Not something I considered.. have an SLR.
640x480 @ 30FPS Video Recording - Not something I considered...
MMS - Not something I considered...
Proper Bluetooth (and everything that comes with it eg. sharing fil[/b]es, syncing wirelessly to Mac etc.) - Agreed with the bluetooth, wireless syncing im not that fussed with as it gets charged by the MBP so it syncs then
User accessible file system - Not fussed dont need it
MS Office file support (read - edit with the paid-for app) - Dont need it
FULL GPS car/walk navigation (Google Maps can be downloaded too) - Would be nice
Copy/Paste - Again rarely need it, just write it down in a year required twice maybe
Background Applications - True, MSN would be the only one for me
Full resolution picture emailing - Again not fussed

Hell, I could go on with features the iPhone didn't have when I got mine. The fact that at an Apple keynote there was clapping for the new, amazing feature of... multi-person SMS! Kinda gives you my viewpoint of the iPhone fuctionality wise.

Don't get me wrong, the iPhone is a fantastic device. Just all the flashy UIness doesn't make up for its sub-par features. And, as with all Apple stuff, it's expensive for what it is.

The perfect syncing, UI and general niceness to use makes it win for me but for more "hardcore" users I agree it may lack some.

I used to jailbrake it, now I don't even bother and have even changed from Tmobile to O2 just so I can keep it stock... so my requirements are obv different to some :p

Oh and the ability to go into Apple and get it exchanged in 10 mins. That was win.
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my 2 cents i think

i have 2g 8gb and 16gb iphones they do what i need them to do

but simlocking, jailbreaking is a pain

i have 16gb 3g no different

apple could have made a really good phone, but they just made a phone to suit what they wanna give

but could i go back to nokia,motorola etc etc........mmmm nope

my dream iphone would be

32gb storage
download of anyfiles
flash player
5mp camara
ssh installed as standard
real bluetooth
sat nav that works
replaceable battery
and matt black

and no i-tunes

i would love that phone
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my dream iphone would be

32gb storage
download of anyfiles
flash player
5mp camara
ssh installed as standard
real bluetooth
sat nav that works
replaceable battery
and matt black

and no i-tunes

i would love that phone

Shame it wouldn't be at all economical to produce...
That's where you and I differ. I can't argue that the iPhone is the best designed phone on the market. It's got the best OS and best UI, simple as. I, on the other hand, am not going to sacrifice such features as a good camera* and video recording for the self-gratification of a form-over-function phone.

The OS and the UI *are* function. They're the most important functions of all, since that's how you interact with the phone! The iPhone may be lacking some features, but it integrates the features it has so much better than any other handset.
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