How many email account(s) do you have?

3 Dec 2004
Hi all,

Was wondering. How many email accounts/allias/mailboxes do you have?

I have 10. And only 2 of those are 'free' ones, i.e hotmail, googlemail.

The rest are for business, 1 for family (even though im the only family member who accesses it) 1 for myself, spit over 4 mailboxes with different alias.

I need to use all of them on a daily basis too!
I have 6 in total, though really only 4 as the POP3 ones are from 2 different isps and i dont really use them. 2 hotmail (one "official, one normal) one googlemail and one uni webmail. I use the gmail as my main (since i got tired of hotmail) and it checks my uni one for me. The 2 hotmail i don't use any more.

If anyone knows of a way to get hotmail to do message forwarding so i could use the gmail one to check that one too, it would be much appreciated as i only check them once a month or so and there's always at least 30 messages in there.
heh, i feel like i have should have some more. i use two. 1 for 99% of things (hotmail) and the other 1 is my uni address i use mostly for uni bits and bobs.
pumpman said:
1337 posts :rolleyes: :)

Currently only use 3.

1 for things that I purchase, ebay etc.
1 for random websites i sign up too (which gets a lot of spam)
1 for friends/family (doesnt get signed up to anything)

Have a fair few more, just don't use them no more
I think I've got 5, way too many!

Also slightly OT but if you have to sign up to something and you don't want the mail from it but require one e-mail through for account validation etc use spambox.

Creates a temporary address (Lasts from 1 hour to 1 year, you select) and then forwards your mail on to your real address :)

I've found it to be quite useful.


3 that I use on a regular basis:

Gmail - for frivolous things.
Yahoo - for websites that I sign up to.
3rd one is for friends/family and whatever online business I carry out. ;)
I only have 1,436 e-mail accounts ..............I check them everyday , it only takes me 6 hours ................All Lies

I have 4 accounts . 3 pop3 & 1 webmail . I think thats all I need .
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