How many email account(s) do you have?

One: Gmail. use it for everything (and its my msn addy)

Also run a mail server on my domain 'cos ocuk wouldnt take my gmail addy. so ocuk gets a mail server all to itsself. run a few other fowarders for one or two other memebers aswell.
One - Gmail

I used to have 2 until I moved ISP's :(

Hey, if you have your own mail server and it's offline, and someone sends you an e-mail while it's offline. Can you bring it online at a later date and receive the message or do you never get the message unless the servers online when the sender sends the message?
NachT said:
One - Gmail

I used to have 2 until I moved ISP's :(

Hey, if you have your own mail server and it's offline, and someone sends you an e-mail while it's offline. Can you bring it online at a later date and receive the message or do you never get the message unless the servers online when the sender sends the message?

Well that persons mail server will keep retrying to send the message. but depending on its settings i could give up. however must servers will try to resend the mail every 60minutes for 7-30days. but it does vary from server to server.

just leave my computer on 24/7 myself :)
allllec said:
Well that persons mail server will keep retrying to send the message. but depending on its settings i could give up. however must servers will try to resend the mail every 60minutes for 7-30days. but it does vary from server to server.

just leave my computer on 24/7 myself :)

Thanks for that ;P
Be careful using free accounts for important stuff as if they get hacked/stolen then you really are going to have a stressful time getting them back and there are no gurantees you will.

Also beware of having free emails as secondary email addresses as if it gets hacked/stolen youll lose all your other email addresses if the person has enough sense.

Free email addresses are really not good for anything that you care about.
In order of usage:

Gmail using my own domain - new primary to replace uni one.

Uni one - soon to be deleted now I've finished.

Hotmail - for messenger/

Y! one - my first ever email address. Mostly spam now.
a few

ISP one is the only one which gets checked all the time in t-bird
windows live gets checked when it tells me i have mail, hotmail gets checked infrequently, uni one very infrequently, and i have gmail, yahoo and probably some other that have been long forgotten about.
DanMc07 said:
Why would anyone ever need 50 accounts :o
How many do you use currently?

Because I need a new one each month for my continue free 30day DigiGuides, also many torrent sites I use for hard to get data have anti-leech setups which obviously are easily circumvented by creating new accounts each time your banned. :p YaY to the yellow pages and proxies ;)
I have my own domain, so effectively I've got an unlimited number of addresses ;)

For day-to-day use, I have my Gmail account (handles domain emails too... it's great!) and my work account (again, technically more addresses, since I've got the Postmaster, Administrator and any other aliases I care to set up for myself).

Then I've got my old Hotmail for MS/Passport emails and my friends that for some reason don't use my Gmail address. Also for Sony, who refuse to stop sending my Star Wars Galaxies spam, despite me not playing since 2003 and unsubscribing to them all every now and again.

Then I've got my spam Gmail account for signing up to the... dodgy... sites... ;)
aaazza said:
I think I've got 5, way too many!

Also slightly OT but if you have to sign up to something and you don't want the mail from it but require one e-mail through for account validation etc use spambox.

Creates a temporary address (Lasts from 1 hour to 1 year, you select) and then forwards your mail on to your real address :)

I've found it to be quite useful.



i would not use spambox guys its pretty awful.. you have to give a secondary email address which they forward crap to all time as well... bad call mate
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