How many games in your Steam library?

16 Feb 2014
North West England
See a lot of people on here saying how there trying to work the way through their backlog of games on steam , so I was just wondering how many games you guys actually have in the library, how many installed and how many you actually intend on completing ?

Also how long do you think its going to take you ?

I currently have 40 in the library, with 15 installed, and about half of them are mp.

I don't think ill ever work my way through mine :( im really bad for buying games though I think im addicted, got quite a few on the ps4 I need to complete !
306 games - 25 installed

I only have 2 x 256gb ssds for my steam games so I tend to uninstall and re-download later if i want to play again

Slowly working though my backlog and according to my steam profile I have 46% average game completion, but I think this figure is linked with achievements.

I have completed 11 games since January, so not doing too badly this year.
I have around 196 I think,and an average completion of 12%. I start games but never really finish them. Probably wasted so much money.
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