How many games in your Steam library?

1202 on the list
203 installed

But then steam isn't really my biggest collection its my dvd/cd collection there's far more there :)
194 (4 software) with 89 installed taking up 1.06 TB.

Doesn't include the odd few on Uplay and Origin.

Looking at my profile I have an average completion rate of 22%. Have been on Steam since 30th August 2004.
55 and 5 installed.

Never been one to play a multitude of games, always stuck to a few.

CS (1.0-Cs:Go), WoW from Vanilla till end of Cata, BF series as well, only a handful of the really good AAA+ single players.

Morbid question but I wonder if its possible to leave a steam account in your will. I mean some of you guys with 2000 games or what ever, that must be 1000's of £.
278 games, 45 installed. Plenty I haven't even tried yet :O

Got some money sitting in my account from a csgo knife sale that's just itching to be spent on option yet though :D
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