How many games in your Steam library?

Old school. Played the original Elite back in 1984 after all:D. Going to the shops or having a game posted to your house was the norm. This buying a game to just download still seems a bit strange but great no waste or postage etc. Buying a new Rig later this year from OC to play games again after Elite dangerous release:D. I backed on KS although its in my steam account as they game you a key as well. So my 2004 system build has not played games since 2007 really and my last game was BF2 Mod project reality. :(

So thought I'd get a few on sale ready for when I can play them. Only sadly five just now. Got every one for silly prices like £3-6 apart from Elite at £20 from the KS. Still fancy Dayz, City Skylines etc.

Tropico 4 and all its add on packs (first Steam purchase)
Prison Architect
Microsoft Flight Simulator X: Steam Edition
Elite: Dangerous
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (Never played it but seems very popular)
Old school. Played the original Elite back in 1984 after all:D. Going to the shops or having a game posted to your house was the norm. This buying a game to just download still seems a bit strange but great no waste or postage etc. Buying a new Rig later this year from OC to play games again after Elite dangerous release:D. I backed on KS although its in my steam account as they game you a key as well. So my 2004 system build has not played games since 2007 really and my last game was BF2 Mod project reality. :(

So thought I'd get a few on sale ready for when I can play them. Only sadly five just now. Got every one for silly prices like £3-6 apart from Elite at £20 from the KS. Still fancy Dayz, City Skylines etc.

Tropico 4 and all its add on packs (first Steam purchase)
Prison Architect
Microsoft Flight Simulator X: Steam Edition
Elite: Dangerous
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (Never played it but seems very popular)

There's a fair learning curve to cs go , easy to pick up hard to master , cs is the king of multiplayer shooters, there's nothing better in my eyes :)
There's a fair learning curve to cs go , easy to pick up hard to master , cs is the king of multiplayer shooters, there's nothing better in my eyes :)

Baring all the issues (and there are many:D) I love the concept of Dayz. Play as you will large scale map survival. Followed the game since early mod although never actually having played it. I also have been following “Squad” from the makers of the BF PR Mod. It looks a solid squad based shooter.

With regard to CS-Go I was amazed at the numbers playing it for it's age so decided there must be something special about it. I know by the look of it on twitch people play it to a very high level so I’ll be Instant death till I get used to it. Don’t mind dying all day in a game as long as it's fair and not a cheat.:mad: Some really good games seem to be out either this year or the next including a few Naval sims one sailing ships and the other battleships forgive me I cant remember their names. I will no doubt pick up some more games on sale before the new rig drops.

Anyone wanting to gift the odd game they will never play will be received with thanks. Steam name Sav112. :D
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163 Games owned (account value: £1604 according to steamdb)
162 Games not played

0 Games installed

Bought a bunch in sales and bundles when I never had a decent enough PC to play them and then had a family etc so no time to play them now either.
315 owned

4 installed
Borderlands 2
Arma 3
Gta v
Project cars.

Played a average of 20 hours per game though I have almost half my library untouched.
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