How many IDIOTS use the Autotrader website?

18 Oct 2002
"Sunny" Plymouth
I advertised my Vit on Autotrader a couple of weeks ago, before it went i had at least 8 calls from various muppets who'd ring up, ask loads of questions about the car, engine condition, has it been hammered offroad, etc.

Then they ask where i am, "I'm in plymouth", "oh sorry, that's a bit far for us to come to see it, kthxbye".

ARGH! It says how far away the car is on the smegging website you blind morrons! Learn to ____ing read and stop wasting my time why don't you! :mad:

and breathe.

At least you have had something other than the "we promise you we can sell your car for you. Just give us a cheque for £100" muppets. I swear, every call we had was from some company or other when we advertised on there. Never again
SB118 said:
Then they ask where i am, "I'm in plymouth", "oh sorry, that's a bit far for us to come to see it, kthxbye".

ARGH! It says how far away the car is on the smegging website you blind morrons! Learn to ____ing read and stop wasting my time why don't you! :mad:

Autotrader distance is as the crow flies. Lots of tempting cars only 50 miles from Plymouth oh wait its in Wales.
Reminds me about a prank call I once heard, someone calling a guy about an Orion Turbo (but it didn't have a turbo), has anyone got it somewhere?
Im finding Ebay rocks for car selling, i sold a Merc A class last weekend, bloke came all the way from South London (im in the west mids) by train, took a quick drive, commented on how shiney it was, gave me 5k and drove off, he didnt even check the car over properly, despite me telling him it had been in an accident before, i must have an honest face :p
Only a badge will do for me :p, my previous car:

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