How many miles you do per year?

22 Apr 2008
Bryn Celyn Wales
The reason I ask is, just looking on here for MV Augusta's see if there's any Senna's around... and found this standard F4... a 55' plate on 1,169 miles... I mean... why even have it, unless he has it in his living room for looks alone lol.

Also I did find two Senna's this one... blimey it's a stunning bike and am seriously tempted... might go and take a looksy on Friday ;-)


So, based on this insanity, what mileage you guys do?
I've had my CBR600 since May 2012... so lets call that 2 years... bought it on 8,390 miles... it's currently on 21,000 miles so... 12,610 miles done in 2 years... so... 6k miles per year average...

How about you guys?
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Did about 6k last year, no decent trips though. Got a few trips oop north this year and hopefully to the Ring, so should get racking mileage up now.
to the op pic,its itailian your only ment to look at it!!:p

as for mileage ive never really clocked it but so far from jan this year ive clocked up 4k miles,i use it everyday/all year round as its my only form of transport
I tend to use my car for the majority of the winter so I clock up 6k per year in that, then my Street Triple for commuting in warmer weather so maybe 3k per year on that and the ZX6R only comes out for the occasional weekend blast. Due to this the ZX6R only has 800 miles on the clock. I bet it's the lowest mileage 2010 model in the UK.

I really should sell it I suppose...
Tasty machine. I do around 6k, mainly in the summer. Take the car when the weather is bad. Yup, I'm a fair weather rider these days...
only had 1 bike so far which I had for just over a year, managed 17k on it in that time. Used it as my only transport for work etc. and then got up early on weekend at was out most of the day.
Sold it when I lost my job, but I'm going to buy a cheaper bike soon for the summer months (if we get any)
My mileage is frankly pathetic these days. Back many moons ago I used to do around 7-10k a year. Last 4 years less then 1k a year. 1 year being less then 500 miles :eek:

Really only use the thing on track days these days and maybe a 3 or 4 nice sunday trips a year.
Fewer than 1,000 a year at the moment. No time for weekend rides, can't commute on it daily any longer for some time now, and just limited to longer trips a couple of times a year. :(
I do between around 17-18k miles a year commuting before I add on any pleasure miles, Unfortunately this kind of means I won't be buying any nice toys to play with as I cannot justify trashing them in the space of 2/3 years of all weather riding :(
Something like 8k at the moment, 30 miles a day commute and then some on top for trips out etc.

May soon change to no commute and pure for-fun riding! :D. Found a nice place right next to work which I'm hoping to get.
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