How many miles you do per year?

Been riding my bike since February and on Wednesday will have put over 3000 miles on it already :-) that'll tip the bike over 50,000! If I carry on like this then 9-10 a year. Best part is I walk to work.
im noticing the fuel comsumption :eek::(

57 miles on £10 (zx10r) compared to 80 miles on my zx6r,need to sell:D
Not done a full year on a bike yet, but it's 10k a year just for the commute to work, so probably in the region of 12k a year. Can see that going up once I get my full licence.

Quick question for those who do high miles (10k and above) and ride through winter - do you do all the miles on one bike or have a couple of bikes - one for commuting and one for fun? I can see me ending up with a faired commuter (something like an F800ST) plus something nice for the weekends/summer dry & warm commute (street triple/Daytona/similar). Hate the thought of running a nice bike through winter and putting 14k miles a year on it :eek:
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Not done a full year on a bike yet, but it's 10k a year just for the commute to work, so probably in the region of 12k a year. Can see that going up once I get my full licence.

Quick question for those who do high miles (10k and above) and ride through winter - do you do all the miles on one bike or have a couple of bikes - one for commuting and one for fun? I can see me ending up with a faired commuter (something like an F800ST) plus something nice for the weekends/summer dry & warm commute (street triple/Daytona/similar). Hate the thought of running a nice bike through winter and putting 14k miles a year on it :eek:

That is what I would do. You want something cheap, simple and reliable for commuting. Something like an SV650 would be ideal for ~£1500 which would pick you up a tidy one
The reason I ask is, just looking on here for MV Augusta's see if there's any Senna's around... and found this standard F4... a 55' plate on 1,169 miles... I mean... why even have it, unless he has it in his living room for looks alone lol.

Also I did find two Senna's this one... blimey it's a stunning bike and am seriously tempted... might go and take a looksy on Friday ;-)

Beautiful bike, but I hope you have a decent set of tools and know how to use it. The MVs are the only bike that make me feel better about the Benellis 'character' (aka design flaws, build quality etc.). Both penned by the same designer, Adrian Morton.

My mileage depends on weather as I'm unashamedly a FWB these days. I use my bike purely for fun, and riding in torrential rain just isn't fun. When it's dry I can rack up 300 miles per week, and I usually do at least a couple of longer trips every year e.g. Donnington, Brands, IOM. For the last few years it's only been around 3-4000 mile mark.
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