How many people can wheelie?

The Tuono will come up off the throttle in 1st and 2nd with 15/42 .. I tend to stick to those 1-2ft off the ground power wheelies rather than the full monty proper wheelies as had a few moments doing them in the past and i really dont wanna throw the bike up the road .

Im at the age where i dont need to be cool and i dont like pain but poping the odd one is always fun . Having a poor/no back brake does not make fun wheelies (common aprilia issue)
I like rubber side down, with both wheels firmly planted on the deck!

Perhaps I'm a wuss, but I haven't even tried to wheelie (although I've had the front lift under power, it's never intentional!).
Put me in the wuss category. Been riding 19 years and my front wheel has never been more than an inch off the floor for a couple of seconds (gotta love pinning the throttle in second on a thousand!). I am simply too worried about breaking my clutch, chain, head race bearings, bodywork, underpants and don't trust myself not to get it wrong and end up going sideways.

Always been jealous of those who can (except those who become a one trick pony and it's all they can do/talk about), but always known I will never be in the wheelie crowd.

Off topic, I've also only ever got my knee down twice - both times followed by my shoulder and then the rest of me as I was crashing at the time. :D
Used to do it with shameful chavtastic monotony on my TDR 250 when I was younger.

Only done it a couple of times since.
Used to be everyones party trick, A mate had a trials BSA C15 and we had competitions to see how long we could keep it up (as they say). My road Suzuki super six used to be quite good in first and second gear but you had to be seated pillion. Needless to say I was much younger and fell off quite a bit.
Not interested although have done it unintentionally on my old Fazer 600 tearing up the A20 slip road to the M25 - oops. Seen too many tankslappers following the front wheel re-contacting the road and spitting the wheelie-er into a hedge to consider do it intentionally.

Shiny side up.

One of my work colleagues went to wheelie school once though, he really enjoyed it.
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