How many Raspberry Pis do you have and what are they used for?

Used to have several for various Internet functions all until I virtualised them all on a promox server that I built from an old i9 intel system.

Now I just own the pi 500 and the pi Monitor. This is purely an emulation machine. I have a variety of SD cards, each unique to a particular retro computer that automatically boots into it.

I briefly considered attaching an external 3.5 driver to it. But that would defeat the portable nature of the device somewhat. The physical nature of changing the ‘cartridges’ is good enough for me.

Interestingly enough, despite having a 4070 it super, I do the majority of my gaming on it these days. Currently alternative between Carrier Command and dungeon master for the Amiga.

Also been really enjoying creating my own ‘system disk’ with a heap of Amiga DOS utilities that I used to collect back when I was at school. AmigaDOS really is excellent, and way better than Microsoft DOS IMHO.

The Pi Monitor is fantastic for retro gaming. Matching the viewable area perfectly on the 1084S Commodore monitor I used own. If they did a 4:3 version, I would have jumped at the chance.

It’s also fab to discover all the systems I didn’t own at the time. Such as the Commodore 64 and the MSX. Not to mention the systems I lusted after, such as the NeoGeo.

Another avenue of unexpected fun has been BASIC coding on the BBC micro model B. Seeing how well my memory can remember the commands from 40 years ago.

For 200 quid, all in, it’s been a great purchase.
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