How many songs do you have?

Andelusion said:
About 80% of those are 10min+ long prog-rock epics though that pwn all the mainstream stuff ;) :D

Oddly enough, as I read your post I was listening to a 10min17sec version of Deep Purple's Child in Time - Awesome track :D

Stan :)
To be honest it's about quality not quantity. Some guys I work with are constantly willy waving about how many gigs of music they have thinking it makes them cool, but you could have 100GB of Spice Girls covers filling up your drive which doesn't mean **** to me.
iCraig said:
Its not quantity, its quality.

exactly, I have about 4000 songs but i listen to about may be 1/10th of that mainly. and the size of in gig doesn't reflect it either since some might encode in 128k, where i do 192-224k VBR.
I suppose i've got about 10-15k now, but its spread across a couple of computers and drives, so I can't really be sure, reminds me i really do need to sort it at some point.

Hate to think how much space it is, as I've quite a few tracks in FLAC.
I have about 50 CDs, which equates to about 700 songs, and takes up ~30gig on my media box (i have nothing but loss-less stuff now) :)
I've got about 125GB of music on my PC and around 500 CDs, though I'm working on my CDs only at the moment. I've listened to everything I have at least once, and I 'know' about 99% of it well so it's not just hoarding :)

Last time I bothered checking I think I had somewhere around 5,000 songs, maybe more which takes up about 35-40gb. I couldn't give a percentage as to how much I like though because it changes on a daily basis, sometimes I could listen to almost everything and others I'll listen to maybe a couple of albulms worth only.
I've only got 621 songs, which is measly compared to most you guys but i often go through deleting and adding songs as I hear about new artists and get bored of others
Got 2273 songs according to Mr Itunes, Can happily listen to all of them.

Obviously some are duplicates as i have best of albums and stuff, and i have all my NiN singles on there as well.
3760, I need to clear some crap i don't like and get some new stuff though. Thats 15.8GB. I have spent the past while doing the following.



Takes bloody ages to get all the images for the folders, and set the albums/years/titles right to the wrongly named ones.
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