How many supplements is too many

28 Apr 2011
Just wondered really what amount of supplements people on here take daily (mainly those who work out ofc).


Here is an image of what I take every day:

3x Omega3 fish oil
2x Kre alkalyn
3x Optimen Multi Vitamin
3x ZMA
2x Biokult Probiotic
2x Pau'darco

Other than that I don't take any whey/protein or pre-workout. Would others consider this excessive?
I take fish oils, though less than I used to as I eat a LOT of oily fish every week.

A well rounded diet needs little supplementation. Fish oils (depending on their EPA and DHA levels) are worthwhile though and do have tangible health benefits. Things like creatine have been well researched with many double blind studies and show positive effects to weight training and athleticism as well as general health. Otherwise you're pretty much just peeing your money away.
I try to consume fish oils naturally through diet (none the less the tablets tend to be rank).

Other than that a single multi-vitamin with a wide range of nutrients as my diet is a bit limited.

Come winter I'll usually slightly increase Vitamin D and Zinc supplementation as it seems subjectively to reduce how badly I'm affected by colds, etc.

(I don't work out so much but my job can be extremely physically demanding at times so something I keep half in mind).
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I try to consume fish oils naturally through diet (none the less the tablets tend to be rank).

Other than that a single multi-vitamin with a wide range of nutrients as my diet is a bit limited.

Come winter I'll usually slightly increase Vitamin D and Zinc supplementation as it seems subjectively to reduce how badly I'm affected by colds, etc.

(I don't work out so much but my job can be extremely physically demanding at times so something I keep half in mind).

Vit D does have tangible health benefits too, especially around 3000ui dosage.
Just wondered really what amount of supplements people on here take daily (mainly those who work out ofc).


Here is an image of what I take every day:

3x Omega3 fish oil
2x Kre alkalyn
3x Optimen Multi Vitamin
3x ZMA
2x Biokult Probiotic
2x Pau'darco

Other than that I don't take any whey/protein or pre-workout. Would others consider this excessive?

OK, I don't work out. But I just want to ask a question.

Why do you think your diet is not giving you enough vits and mins? If you don't think it is, why couldn't you change your diet to get everything you need naturally?

Frankly, it looks like you're popping one heck of a lot of pills. No wonder the vits and mins industry is worth billions :eek:
Why do you think your diet is not giving you enough vits and mins? If you don't think it is, why couldn't you change your diet to get everything you need naturally?

To be fair unless you grow a lot of your own (or source similar) etc. these days you might as well pop the pills as eat the synthetic food stuffs :S
Vit D, creation and beta alanine all seem to be semi useful and be hard to achieve a beneficial intake level of with even a good diet. If that is wrong I'm happy to be corrected though as it will save me money and hassle...
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A protein shake on the days I workout. I tried multivitamins and cod liver oil and didn't notice a difference so I've stop taking them. It seems like it's easy to waste money on numerous pills which have little if any noticeable benefits.
I don't like fish, so its hard to get omega 3s. I think its difficult to get all the stuff I think I need from my diet.

Fixed for you.

If you aren't getting what you need from your current diet, change your diet. That said, I'd do a lot more objective research on what your body actually needs
Having spent a few months eating nothing but protein, and suffering no ill effects, I came to the conclusion that most of this stuff is drivel.
Nothing but protein, I'm afraid that is drivel. Your body needs either fats or carbs. Plus, what food are you finding with nothing but protein?

Or are you being sarcastic?
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