How much do you spend on food at work?

23 Dec 2009
Up until recently, I used to purchase breakfast and lunch whilst at work from a cafe, supermarket, coffee shop etc....

I calculated that it cost me a fair amount of money often close to £10 a day which adds up over a month.

I've now slowly weened myself have breakfast at home and to cook and bring a packed lunch to work. Not only is the cost cheaper but food much healthier and tastier.

I only now buy the occasional coffee, breakfast or lunch whilst at work and have realised how much I save this way.

How much do you spend on food whilst at work and would you ever bring a packed lunch/breakfast to work?
I have breakfast at work but this is overnight oats so basically same cost as doing it at home.

Lunch I do about 1/3rd supper leftovers as packed lunch 1/3rd cheapo lunch like Tesco meal deal for £3 and 1/3rd something a bit more interesting like burrito, Vietnamese, thai, or Eat, Leon, something like that around the £5/6 range.

Coffee I either drink office coffee (which is OK not great) or use my own nespresso capsules for decaff.
Anywhere from £2 to £5. I bring my own lunches in, sandwiches, soup, tuna pots, pasta, whatever I'm currently in the zone with.
None, I eat breakfast before I leave home and take a packed lunch everyday. I've always done this, I'm far too tight to buy from the canteen.
Breakfast at home, packed lunch every day, but crisps and biscuits from Asda meat work for snacks during the day. Never ceases to amaze me what people will spend s every day at pret or wherever.
I used to bring a packed lunch in but now I tend to buy lunch which can be between £5-10 but I also keep a box of Oats-so-simple at my desk in work so i eat that in the mornings.

I need to get back to packed lunches! But I have so many nice places to eat at near work.
Today I had a Cheese, ham and tomato panini from the canteen which set me back £1.60. I normally get food from there at least twice a week other days I just bring in my lunch and in total I probably spend £7 a week.
Breakfast and as many coffees I want during the day is under 2 quid.
Given what the rest of the staff departments have to pay, I find it very decent.
I skip breakfast entirely, bulk cook meals for lunch (less than £2 per meal), and buy a bunch of fruit and veg for snacking (bananas, satsumas, carrots) and have a tub of peanut butter in my drawer. I also keep a shaker and a tupperware full of Whole Fuel in my drawer should I need it.
£10 to £12 a week , breakfast 3 eggs on 3 slices wholemeal lunch £1 lunch veggie option with chips or rice or salad £2 ish
Breakfast at home and bring in a packed lunch so nothing. I also make a point of not bringing any coins to work as I have no will power and would end up putting them in the vending machines to buy chocolate :p
I aim to bring lunch Mon-Wed at least (useful as I swim Mon+Wed too). Just a salad. Quite boring but sometimes it's leftovers. Then I either go out for lunch with a friend (spend about £10-15 depending where we go) on one of the remaining days, and either do leftovers or buy something cheaper from a stall the other day (£5-6). So I guess I spend about £25 per week if you include the salad stuff.

The lunch out is a treat and doesn't happen every week. But I work in Soho where there's always new and interesting places to try, it seems a shame to never do that. I'd rather eat in at these cool places once a week or so, than spend £5-6 in Pret every day. Fortunately my place now have a proper coffee bar upstairs so we get proper decent coffee for free. Not that was ever stupid enough to buy coffee every day (not at London prices!) but I did occasionally.

A girl in my team buys breakfast every morning, a coffee every morning, and lunch every day. That's like £15/day on food. Mental.
I spend about £70 a month on food at work. It's less if I remember to take in my own packets of biscuits to snack on in the afternoons - if I forget it's chocolate bars from the vending machine which quickly adds up.

My work canteen used to do cooked breakfasts but they stopped it. It's a real shame because now I don't eat breakfast at all and really want to. I'm never hungry first thing in morning. So end up eating biscuits again.

Would like to take my own food in but bulk cooking is a routine I struggle to get into.
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