How much do you spend on food at work?

About £45 a month.

Usually breakfast and dinner. Toast, beans, scrambled egg. And then either a salad or a roast, pasta dish. Depends what is on the menu :)
None, though occasionally treat myself to a coffee and breakfast on a Friday.

This is especially hard as my employer has a huge campus of 7 buildings and each one has a coffee shop (inc Costa & Starbucks) and a food variety. I've got the Asian food one in mine. Smells wonderful.
Usually nothing, I take dinner (I work 17:00 - 01:00) and coffee or drink water.
Every other Friday-ish we have fat friday and order something delivered, pizza/chinese/curry/kebab. So about £15-£20 a month.

Me too, I gave up work, it was interfering with my hedonistic lifestyle, but when I was working, as a black cab driver, I'd skip breakfast, maybe two black coffees, and have a take-out sandwich at midday, from Pret, and a café Americano, about £3.75 to £4.75 then, maybe £5.50 to £6.50 now.

I need to start working in some of these places with subsidised canteens!

Not cool Marvt, I drove a Royal Mail truck for 20-22 months while doing the Knowledge, I put on over 12kg by constantly being in the canteens, waiting for orders.
Me too, I gave up work, it was interfering with my hedonistic lifestyle, but when I was working, as a black cab driver, I'd skip breakfast, maybe two black coffees, and have a take-out sandwich at midday, from Pret, and a café Americano, about £3.75 to £4.75 then, maybe £5.50 to £6.50 now.

Not cool Marvt, I drove a Royal Mail truck for 20-22 months while doing the Knowledge, I put on over 12kg by constantly being in the canteens, waiting for orders.

I wish i'd given up work, for me it's £0 because I don't eat lunch :p
£0pm as I have brekkie at home & take in lunch to work as no canteen.

If Payday falls on a Friday, I go nuts and treat myself to a breakfast bap from the local shop. Oh Yeah.
It really depends where I am.

Lisbon - I either have none or use an airport catering place that does a hot meal for around €6

Zurich - I take what I can from the hotel breakfast buffet and eat that for lunch (rolls/meat/cheese)

Helsingborg - Big hotel breakfast and no lunch

Lilleström - Big hotel breakfast and no lunch

Hoofddorp - Usually paid for by work in the office, if I have to pay it's fairly pricey. Great selection though.

Kolding - Paid for by work, wide variety of stuff

UK - Take a packed lunch, usually a wrap and some fruit

So it varies immensely
Overnight oats for brekkie, unlimited coffee/tea/milk for 50p a week, lunch in the canteen ranges from £1.10 for a Tuna jacket, £1.75 for a full salad (meat, eggs, cheese, dressing etc) to £2.10 for something like fish, chips and mushy peas, meat pie and pots/veg etc.

Friday is bacon, egg and tomato breakfast sarnie time for 85p!
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