How much does a decent surround sound system cost?

Sorry for the post OP but it kinda fits, albeit my needs for a similar question....

Looking to replace my venerable, but greatly appreciated, Logitech Z5500 speaker system to go with my 50" GT50 TV and I'm considering this... does that compare with buying anything separate over that of the noted package and does it represent reasonable value for money for what it delivers...?

Apart from the TV and a 3D BD player it will be a Amazon Fire TV connected to the unit and kodi installed on that.

Thanks for any info and sorry again op :)
^^^ Thank you :)

Balancing my needs and harmonising a system within a budget of around £600 or so is not easy if you do not keep up with the technology etc.

Might I be better off looking at an AV amp and then a separate speaker package rather than a complete set-up....?
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