How much extra ££s to offer third line engineers

Seems odd to offer a pay rise for this, say you lose the contract next year or one of them moves internally to a new role do you give a pay cut? Perhaps one of them has a wife who falls pregnant and can only make 2 trips and someone else in the team agrees to make 6 - do you not want the flexibility to pay the 6 trip guy more?

I'd have thought this sort of thing would be an additional variable part of the pay packet - say additional 'shift payments' each time they make a trip out there - totaling to 3k for 4 trips or whatever you agree with them.

This is probably the best bet. The company i work for, if you have to work out of hours for a job you get paid a flat rate that is quite a bit more than standard pay. You could count this as something similar and pay a different day rate for it to match the pay rise, without giving a pay rise
Bonus each trip was discussed, and would have worked out more money but everyone was happier with a salary increase. The main reason was that after a year of going, if they manage to improve the saudi systems so much that they can do everything remotely, thus reducing their trips to maybe one a year, or none a year (unless a disaster strikes) they keep the money.

It will be reviewed a year from now, who knows, if the saudi company expands and requires more visits or people then things can change.

It's also non contractual so anyone can pull out at anytime.
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