How much is too much?

nothing like enough food m8, plus its all junk, no goodness in any of it, not enough protein. Wont get u anywhere
bowl of cheerios, wtf is that, thats not food, its crap, Whats wrong with several eggs on toast? or protein shake with oats?
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How much oats would you use with 25g of whey? We have quaker oats in the cupboard but I can''t imagine them going down easily by just using the shaker, and our blender is crap :(
How on earth do you drink fine oats mixed in a shake? I bought 1Kg of the stuff from and tried it once nearly puked the shake was so bad. I just stick to whey with water or milk.

each to their own, i find a whey oats and milk shake one of the tastiest shakes around. But quite frankly it shouldnt matter if it tastes like manure its not meant to be a gourmet dinner its meant to make you anabolic. End of story
As an update, this is how I am at the moment basically (ignore the crap over the lens on my belly button):


Basically a skinny git but i'm starting to get some definition around my pecs and abs compared to a month or so ago. Hopefully it'll continue, just worried about putting on fat if I start eating loads :(
*large quantities of tosh*

Rather than mock or be derisive, I'll just ignore your advice in the future, and suggest the OP does the same.

Training makes you feel great. It makes you look great. It's enjoyable, healthy and has a positive effect on your mental wellbeing. So there's a big point to doing, and caring about it.

It may not be for everyone, but it evidently is for the OP, so congrats mate! Follow the sensible advice posted here, and don't over do it. Train, Eat and Sleep well and you'll be on the right track :)

Ant :cool:
As I said sometimes I play an unhealthy amount of squash and generally do a lot of cardio. If I'm being completely honest I'm actually only 9st 7lb (picture taken last night btw) at the moment as I havn't been eating well since splitting up with my girlfriend, but my weight for the past 2 years has been pretty much stuck around the 9st 10lb mark.
Ok well I'm never going to be able to prepare the proper healthy food I need to eat regularly, I just don't have the time or the taste for most of it. But I am trying to eat more food in general, today for example:

8.30am - Bowl of Cheerio's
11.15am - Bacon bap
1.15pm - Cheese and ham sandwhich on brown bread, bag of crisps
5pm - Protein shake
7pm - Protein shake straight after workout
8.30 - Two small fillet steak sandwhiches on white crusty bread

Obviously its not the right food but I guess its better than 3 meals a day? I'll be having a shake in the morning from now on along with my cereal.

Before your gym session you haven’t eaten for about 5 hours, other than a protein shake, which will probably not provide your body with any useful energy. Your body probably didn’t have much left in the tank for your gym session and may have actually been breaking down muscle and using it for energy.

Also, having just protein post workout is useless. During your workout your body’s quick-release energy, glycogen, which is stored in your muscles, is depleted. Before your muscles can repair, their glycogen needs to be replenished. Your body produces glycogen from carbs. So it is vital that you get some good quality carbs straight after the gym. Ultra fine oats or waxy maize starch from are ideal.

You don’t need loads of protein, 2g per kg of bodyweight at most, which would be about 130g per day in your case. You are probably getting that. You’re just not getting enough of everything else to fuel your body. You need to be eating 2500-3000 calories a day, you’re getting nothing like that.

So don’t concentrate on protein, as long as you get 30g or so with each meal you’ll be fine. Concentrate on getting enough calories with a balance of good quality fats from oily fish, olive oil, eggs, butter, cheese etc. Carbs from stuff like sweet potatoes, rice (preferably brown), pasta (preferably wholemeal) and oats etc. Plus plenty of fruit and veg.
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Ok, I figured I wasn't eating enough before the gym but thats just due to my timetable basically and the fact that I want to get home and go straight back out to the gym. What sort of food would you recommend to eat before the gym then?

Oats with a shake? Or something more substantial?
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Just add 50-100g of oats to your pre workout shake, about an hour before the gym. Also, try to have something more substantial for lunch.
You cant pick up a 150kilo crate to chest height if you could you would be competing in worlds strongest man, the barrels those guys carry cap out at 120 kilo and would be nowhere near as hard to handle as a standard crate weighted to 150. And since as you say youve "never lifted a weight" then the crate must be filled with everyday items as opposed to dense metal weight. Thus it would be MASSIVE. For reference a washing machine will weigh in the region of 40kilos. Your talking about more than 3 times that and to chest height meaning you can essentially curl and hold it with bent arms, so rather than a 150kilo 'natural' (as in not barbell) deadlift, which i could believe if you were a beast of a man, your talking about clean-to-chest with a huge irregular weight. I dont buy that for a second, not if you have never seen a weight bench, i doubt id believe it if you were marius pudzianowski tbh, well actually...

Oh dear, now we have someone saying what i can and cant do.
I can pick up a industrial die weighed at 150kg on a properly calibrated scale. ( i dont think you appreciate how heavy steal dies, or gearboxes, or axels, or boxes of plumbing supplies are ((they come in cardboard boxes that can weigh up to 200kilos and a little bigger than a suitcase))) probably best not try and call a bluff when the other person isnt bluffing, you just look stupid.
I regularly pick up small pallets that weigh over 90 kilos a piece and load them on the trunk rather than wait for the forktruck.

Have you ever tried to lift one of the 10ft metal blades from a plow? or 8 discs from a plow? do you know what these are?
Ever had to lift a 6ft cage full of parcels back on to its feet after its been dropped off a fork truck? do you know how much these weigh?

Dude, I DELIVER washing machines BY MYSELF to people and have to carry them down their drives.

Just because you and you weight lifting buddies cant do something, dont think there are not people out there that can, I can lift a lot of weight, but I've arm wrestled and mucked about with people who've never see a gym who feel like they could tear my arm off if they wanted to.

Now dont get me wrong, 150kilos is lung busting, calf tearing absolutely pushing it is hard as i can, but I've still done it.
Difference between me and people who do the type of job i do, is that we are moving these kinds of weight each and every day, day in day out, hour after hour, its not suprising that we are going to be stronger than someone who does a couple of hours of gym a week.
I'll stop off at the gym in church lane in sleaford and ask the guy if i can do a couple of benches, see what i can lift.
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Rather than mock or be derisive, I'll just ignore your advice in the future, and suggest the OP does the same.

Perhaps mabye what you should have done is not say anything, because I'm the guy that can move the weights, and you are the guys that cant, he is what he is be happy with it.
I'll stop off at the gym in church lane in sleaford and ask the guy if i can do a couple of benches, see what i can lift.

Don't bother. We're much more interested in seeing the OP get the information and results that he wants, rather than how big your ego-todge is.

"He is what he is" smacks of an attitude of never striving to be better, which is something of a strange concept to a trainer. Your input is nothing but wordy trolling in this thread.

Ant :cool:
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Don't bother. We're much more interested in seeing the OP get the information and results that he wants, rather than how big your ego-todge is.

"He is what he is" smacks of an attitude of never striving to be better, which is something of a strange concept to a trainer. Your input is nothing but wordy trolling in this thread.

Ant :cool:

He isnt going to be better, read the OP, what he needs is his head sorting out, putting on a few more pounds of muscle at great expense and effort is not going to make him happy, I get the impression from what he is saying that he isnt happy, and he is hitting the gym thinking that will change it.

I have to say, some of you are truly hateful people when you dont get your own way aren't you? you keep you insults and spite to yourself, name calling and bullying is so childish.
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Obviously I'm not happy at the moment no, but getting a bit more serious about training is a great way to take my mind off things and make me feel more confident I think. It's better than sitting around feeling sorry for myself anyway.
atpbx, you really should compete in strongman events m8, i'll assume your being genuine and thus you would be quite something at one of these events, never been to a gym but outlifting/competing with some lifetime, and lets not forget, steroid filled, pro lifters. That would be quite something!

I would suggest you have a word with your employer though, he is breaking a lot of health and safety rules with you lifting those loads. max single person load afaik is 40kg, obviously many delivery type guys will sign an opt out to carry up to 75kg, but after that it gets very dangerous and if you get injured....he/she/they may lose their company
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Unless you have like really skinny legs I don't see how you're under 10 stone!

basically just do whatever makes you happy, I would never sacrifice playing sport to look better in the mirror but everyone wants something different.
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