How much should I spend?

I think your getting hung up on the details.

There are a few choices in your budget.
Only you can decide how to balance budget, weight and specs.
Most people on here have different cameras for different reasons. Coming from a smartphone any of the recommendations here will work well for a holiday camera.

If you are willing to put up with the weight a cheaper dslr would be faster to focus and good in low light (excellent with a more expensive lens)
Has more flexibility if you want to spend more in the future.

D3300 and kit 18-55 lens is £350
But I would buy second hand at this price point.
Maybe but Im trying to figure out whether the RX100 would do what I want, because the slip in pocket size has some value to me also when on holiday.

There is no pocket size camera that can do what you want.

The closest is the RX1R but that is 10x of your budget and even that does not have a zoom lens.

You have to compromise somewhere, it's up to you where that compromise is.
Ive looked through the RX100 pictures thread and I think I might go for that one. Shame I can only afford the mk1 though as the mk2 has the tilting screen and the mk3 has a viewfinder. Silly price jump though between those.

Gonna see if I can try one out in Jessops.
I think I want to compromise on the zoom, so I can get nice portraits with the blurred backgrounds and nice sharp landscapes.
Whenever possible you can use your feet to get closer and the Rx100 is relatively discreet. I used it at funfairs until I replaced it for a XE2 (in conjunction with an XT2).
Whenever possible you can use your feet to get closer and the Rx100 is relatively discreet. I used it at funfairs until I replaced it for a XE2 (in conjunction with an XT2).

Also (assuming the photographer has taken a good picture to start with) the RX100 images can be cropped quite a lot and still be usable for viewing on PC/TV/tablet or making smaller prints.
Think its safe to buy one used? I could get a mk1 off ebay for £50 or a mk3 for £200. Both have a few scratches on though unfortunately. Could buy case to hide.
Think its safe to buy one used? I could get a mk1 off ebay for £50 or a mk3 for £200. Both have a few scratches on though unfortunately. Could buy case to hide.

Try one out in Jessops as well as anything else your interested in.

As for ebay, who knows?
I prefer to buy new for warranty.

If it's a working camera for £50 and your not in a rush then it's tempting.. Seems too cheap to me.
If you haven't actually held one the RX100 feels like a solid, well made product, however no camera is indestructible! If you can get a used model cheap then it's up to you if you want to take the risk. I would be amazed if one in full working order actually sold for as little as £50 - that would be quite a deal.
The £50 one has some scratches on the screen and the response from the seller to a couple of questions was poor, so will avoid it.

For £260, would you buy a new RX100 or a used RX100 mk3?
Aarrrgghh I'm still unsure!

Rx100 mk1 £260 after cashback. But can get the Sony a5000 csc with its 16-50 kit lens for £309 and this has a much larger sensor than the rx100!
Depends where the ability to pocket the camera is on your list of priorities.
The RX100 will 100% drop into your pocket, the A5000 + 16-50 wont. The 16-50 is also widely regarding as a fairly poor kit lens but is probably fine for day to day stuff.
Whats wrong with a bridge camera, I just picked up a Panasonic Lumix DMC FZ200 which has a 24x zoom, fixed F2.8 lens so pretty good at low light shots and excellent picture quality for £140, will do all you need.
I think if I was going to go chunky I'd buy a csc.

What memory card is best for rx100? And where best place to buy from? Would rather pick it up at same time as camera but guess jessops will be dear.
They are all over the place in Currys. Go demo one there etc. Do you have members market access with some good trust?
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Shame. What about Argos? (I don't think they are a direct or specific competitor to OCUK)
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