How much will your body be worth after death?

Whilst my body is only worth 3800, a 12 year old, obese, albino dwarf with long hair who never drinks or smokes, never tans, works around dangerous chemicals is woth over 10 grand. :p
I'm only worth $4850!

However if you have a loved ones ashes lying around on a mantle piece somewhere its time to cash in :eek:

Anyone fancy a new diamond for the missus.

Pretty sick really, but the fact that the business exists must mean there are takers :(
Frogskin said:
I'm only worth $4850!

However if you have a loved ones ashes lying around on a mantle piece somewhere its time to cash in :eek:

Anyone fancy a new diamond for the missus.

Pretty sick really, but the fact that the business exists must mean there are takers :(

It's more so you can have someone "with you" all the time. It's a nice way to remember someone, as beautiful as a diamond.
Congratulations, your dead body is worth $5700!

Doesn't that make you feel great?

Not bad actually. :D
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