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How much would you pay for a 2080ti Now?

Guess I should feel lucky then... Only yesterday I managed to sell my 2070 Super for £390, and my mate sold his 1080 Ti for £280 (well, £300 with the waterblock too).

Both locally via FB so no postage either. :D
£280 for a 2080 Super and around £380 for a 2080TI... I'm not saying that's what they're worth, but I'm thinking of picking up a couple of 2080 supers for folding and slapping them in my 2nd PC with NVlink on them... nothing else better to do at the minute be a nice upgrade on the crossfire 570's in there at the minute
Guess I should feel lucky then... Only yesterday I managed to sell my 2070 Super for £390, and my mate sold his 1080 Ti for £280 (well, £300 with the waterblock too).

Both locally via FB so no postage either. :D

Lucky, or you didn't tell them how much faster the 3070 was for £80 more, right? ;)
I wouldn’t buy it for £450 - without warranty and it’ll lose in raytracing due to rtx3000 advancements. Think maximum for me would be £350 - warranties are not transferable so there’s that
This is the reason why I think there won’t be many used 2080ti in the market.. owners will be way too attached to the fortunes they paid for them. Not many will be selling their cards for what they are worth now.
Lucky, or you didn't tell them how much faster the 3070 was for £80 more, right? ;)

The odd thing was, the dude come round and started asking if I was upgrading to a 30 series... I was shocked, thinking wtf you're aware of the 30 series GPUs and still happy to buy my 2070S for £390? :p I was expecting to get knocked down a bit but he didn't even bother, just BT'd me the dosh.

He mentioned he had 2-3 gaming rigs at his house, and had got a 2070 for his VR rig in living room. But wanted something a little better. God knows why he thought my 2070S would be a worthwhile upgrade from 2070, whilst being aware of 30 series.

Just bit my tongue and left him to it, he knew his stuff but must have had more money than sense lol.
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