How often do you turn off your PC?

100 seconds for 64GB - MCR will approx. halve that
MCR on, from pushing button to seeing desktop - 29sec. And I suspect 5 sec of it is just rust HDD spinning up
Zen 4 in this machine before, no different
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MCR on, from pushing button to seeing desktop - 29sec. And I suspect 5 sec of it is just rust HDD spinning up
Zen 4 in this machine before, no different

What does it say under Task Manager for Startup apps->Last BIOS time? but that is just an approx. with a standard setup, actual config and model/RAM settings, etc. will vary that likewise for Intel.
My PC recently started taking 30 plus seconds to get to the W10 enter PIN screen - turns out my old HDD backup drive which I thought I’d disconnected ages ago was still plugged in and was failing.

Disconnected the HDD and back to under 10 seconds cold > PIN screen.
The household gaming PC's are on when they're in use, and off when they're not. Modern PC's take literally just a few seconds to POST and boot into the OS, so no need to leave them on wasting power. I have a low-powered NUC for streaming duties and AP control that's left on permanently.
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I turn it off at the end of each day. back in the day PCs took about 10 mins to turn on and settle for use so it was tempting to keep them on, but there was an argument that mechanical components wear out and so turning PCs off led to better reliability. however there's not much mechanical in a modern PC, possibly just fans, maybe an AIO pump. but given how quickly they come on and are ready, seems wasteful to keep them on
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