MCR on, from pushing button to seeing desktop - 29sec. And I suspect 5 sec of it is just rust HDD spinning up100 seconds for 64GB - MCR will approx. halve that
Zen 4 in this machine before, no different
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MCR on, from pushing button to seeing desktop - 29sec. And I suspect 5 sec of it is just rust HDD spinning up100 seconds for 64GB - MCR will approx. halve that
MCR on, from pushing button to seeing desktop - 29sec. And I suspect 5 sec of it is just rust HDD spinning up
Zen 4 in this machine before, no different
14.1 secWhat does it say under Task Manager for Startup apps->Last BIOS time? but that is just an approx. with a standard setup, actual config and model/RAM settings, etc. will vary that likewise for Intel.