How should I cook a decent burger?

jpmonkey69 said:
Get a 500g pack of lean beef mince.
1 egg
fresh parsly
1 large shallot
peppercorn grinder (obv with pepper in it)
plain flour

Get a big bowl and put the mince into it, drop your chopped shallot in as well as your chopped up parsley (into really small bits). add a couple of pinches of salt and crack the egg into the bowl (the egg is important... if you forget the egg, you can forget the burgers staying in one piece.). Mix thoroughly with your hands.

Make into 4x burgers and dust both sides of each burger with plain white flour.

Heat your pan and add about a tablespoon of olive oil. When the oil is hot, put burgers in and cook for 5 mins each side on a medium heat (depending on thickness... I usually make them about a half inch high.



If you want you can add anything that takes your fancy... paprika and corriander is VERY good indeed. The bonus is, if you ever have a BBQ you now know how to make the best burgers ever.

Almost exactly the same as the recipe I've used, except I grill mine. Makes very good burgers :cool:

(except the corriander... yuck!)
We made burgers yesterday, similar recipe to that posted, but the big difference was that we got our butcher to roughly mince some rib steaks. Never done it before, but I shall never buy pre-made burgers again. Drooooool.
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