How Should I Go About This?

Mohinder said:
When I was at Sic's he said that to his brother and he didn't even realise what a loser he was til after he'd said it.

i hate you :(

i love you really, but MEAN!
Raymond Lin said:
Wait until a national Chinese Holiday then bring them something traditional. They'll be suprised, hopefully in a good way. But i don't think there are anything in March, i think there's one in the summer, its to do with some dragon shaped rowing boat racing thing (no, not the Oxbridge thing !). On that day, Chinese make these Steamed leaf wrapped rice thing with Chicken and mushrooms inside. The legend has something to do with a dragon, someone drowned, and throwing those wrapped rice thing into the river to feed The dragon so it wouldn't eat the person drowning or something. My Myth/Legend on this is very rusty but it is a national holiday. The one after that, would be the Full moon in August in the Chinese calendar, Something call the Moon cake is eaten. You can get them in Chinese Supermarkets and Bakery. Buy them a Tin of that to surpise them.

Or just turn up at the door and introduce yourself, they are still people :p

This plus learning a few simple phrases on your own (hello/good morning/how are you)

Don't do it all on the same day; do RL's idea then the next time you see them in the street you attempt to say what you've learnt, tell them you're trying to learn but are having some problems and you would be very appreciative of any advice or help they can give you.

This way it won't seem like the only reason you talk to them is to get something from them
Pull the skin at the side of your eyes, push your front teeth out and knock on their door... talk to them casually about the weather while pronouncing any "l" noises as "r" noises...

The only conclusion they can draw from this is that you want a deeper cultural connection with them so will naturally offer to teach you their language
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