Everything smart in my house! Have a centralised auto system!.When need tea auto switch kettle on while auto checking level in central postion flip tea bag into cup while putting milk which i samrt see how much is left so being Smart plan it into a visit out.
When ready i smartly drink it while smartly looking on here once it's smartly booted up after i auto pressed the power buttons while smartly turning off light as the screen and pc Smartly provide enough light if evening time.
If gets cold can smartly flick switch to ON! so smartly heated.
When need food i smartly shop after working out whats where for what with deals then get the smart bus back as it seems to know where to go!
The led lights in house are smart as go off when switched off!
Even the phone is smart as makes horrid noises as dies to plug it smartly in.
Now thats a smart house!

How the F have we survived for so long without having to add another layer of cost into the house!
Opps forgot the smart fridge open the door notice naff all in there so smartly think about refilling it!!!
NO Eavesdropping/spying rubbish here