Just smart bulb in my bedroom.
I was going to expand until what I discovered.
I assumed the bulb would be wifi network only, it was advertised as a wifi bulb. But the only thing wifi about it is it uses that connection type to connect to the internet, I couldnt control it until I had setup an account on some china based server. It can only be controlled via the app if online on the internet. As its done via a server, it also phones home a lot when idle. I didnt bother to setup the echo device I purchased.
I looked into proper wifi only or bluetooth bulbs and seems they much more expensive.
As @LuckyBenski said above you want some ZigBee devices, all my smart home bulbs, switches and sensors are ZigBee connected to a Conbee II, all local control with low power usage and full control

Been using these for about a year. I've got a custom 3D printed mount that attaches to a light switch to give access to the physical switch behind it.
Ah nice. You have a link to it at all? Might be handy in future.
Something to do with their not having been tested to any recognised safety standard by an accredited testing agency?
Aqara sell lots of other stuff in the UK, and these are battery powered ZigBee devices not mains powered.