How tidy are you?

ruffneck said:
clean freak Im affraid, hate clutter, a bread crumb on the cutting board after making toast in the morning would annoy me


Not that bad but pretty tidy person... apart from my desk in work, but lets not go there ;)

Von Luck said:
Another Monica at home - I seriously would flip out if someone tried to put a cup/glass on one of our side tables without a coaster, as they're solid cherry and oh so easy to ruin.

So you wouldnt approve of us using our work surface as a large chopping board then?
I know when things do need tidying, and I also like my bedroom when its tidiest. It could do with a clean right about now actually... To stay on OCuk or not to?
Communal areas are kept spotless :)

My room is tidy most of the time but I do tend to let things pile up. Once it gets too messy I have a big sort out though :)
I have 3 kids, 2 dogs, gerbils and cockatiels. While my house isn't a seething mass of bacteria, it's very....lived in!

I do love it when it's spotlessly tidy (which it has been but I can't generally be bothered when I know it'll be back to organised chaos within seconds of a child appearing
my house mate had a moan at me cos the kitchen was "filthy". Slight mess maybe but I wouldn't say filthy.

Filthy i'd classify as flies, rats and moldy food :p
PaulStat said:
Personally I don't mind a little bit of mess, the odd crumb or two on the kitchen surface doesn't bother me.

I will leave a used bread board/knife on the side for a little while before i clean it up.

I don't see dirt unless it's quite obvious (i.e. plates everywhere, cooking sauce splashed on the hob), which is when I do something about it.

So are you a clean freak, a laid back occasional tidier like myself, or a complete and utter slob? :p

Im like you dont mind dust and crumbs. But dirty plates and general rubbish left everywhere I hate.Too tidy also does my nut in, it's like no one lives there and you can't do anything incase you mess the place up.
AcidHell2 said:
Im like you dont mind dust and crumbs. But dirty plates and general rubbish left everywhere I hate.Too tidy also does my nut in, it's like no one lives there and you can't do anything incase you mess the place up.

Thank you :) I agree completly
I, like many people here, don't mind some crumbs and dust, but general trash and rubbish has to go out. I have a reputation at work for being a tidy person. I'm the only guy that actually washes up and mops the floors in my workplace. All the ladies think it's great and adorable!
I'm usually Very tidy!!! But 1st year medical exams have led to a corner of my room looking like this....


Jenjey said:
I'm usually Very tidy!!! But 1st year medical exams have led to a corner of my room looking like this....


that is quite bad but at least its not unhygienic.

On a side note, havent you posted for a while, im sure you used to post quite a lot but havent for the past 6 months or so?
geeza said:
that is quite bad but at least its not unhygienic.

On a side note, havent you posted for a while, im sure you used to post quite a lot but havent for the past 6 months or so?
Errr dunno, I've posted on and off.

Came to uni and medicine and london clubs have taken over my forum life :(

I've got this idea in my head that one day I'll live in some kind of minimalist utopia type house. Meanwhile, I'm sitting in the back room and a quick head count gives 10 PCs (and they are just the ones I can see).
A mate emailed me the other day for some spares because he just knew I'd have a 1.2Mb 5-1/4" drive knocking about.

Desk at work is v.tidy though, and I've been known to clean my keyboard with milton :-)
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