How to address Literalism/PLI/Context Blindness/Impaired Central Coherence?

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I am on record a day or so back decrying 'academic gobbledegook'. My only visits to university have been to implement a university invention in the real world of civil engineering. I can talk sensibly with doctors and professors and have been happy to do so until all the words in the title appear in the conversation. Joking apart the more job specific language appearing in the discussion the worse the confusion and controversy IMO.
This whole thing is just some BS by @garnett because he got his post deleted yesterday after he decided to go off on a rant for being called out on quoting another poster and just made up a positon for them.

Is this really "Intelligent debate of newsworthy issues." nope, it's just @garnett being miffed because the mods deleted his post which added nothing.

Similarly, we could say:

Some interactions I've had recently have led me to read up a bit on a few psychological tendencies, namely:
  • Hallucinations: This refers to the tendency to believe something else has been said, without recognising or understanding different perspective. In psychology, this is often noted in individuals with Schizophrenia.
  • Pragmatic Language Impairment: This refers to difficulties in the use of language in social contexts. Individuals with schizophrenia often struggle other points of view etc..
  • etc..
In a debating arena, how should these be tackled?

Obviously that would be a ridiculous thing to do.

If you're making up positions for others, especially if you're doing so even after they've clearly stated that their position is X not Y, then you're not doing anything fancy, there's no "context blindness", you're just making up a straw man to attack because you can't debate the actual point they raised.

To try and turn it into doing some psychological diagnosis or citing disabilities is frankly quite pathetic.

Why not accept that people have different views, you're not going to like everyone's style of debate but if you're unable to play the ball rather than the man then don't engage... no one is forcing you to after all.
Ugh - It's like a full-house bingo card of everything on the list.
Ugh - It's like a full-house bingo card of everything on the list.

Sure it is... I mean you could do one of two things here:

1) Ignore/don't engage if you keep on getting mad.

2) Try to engage with the arguments made instead of just throwing in your little emotive rants/tantrums.

Alternatively, I guess just stay mad that others have different political views and their opinions must be wrong/bad etc.. and keep dowie in your head rent-free. :D

Sure it is... I mean you could do one of two things here:

1) Ignore/don't engage if you keep on getting mad.

2) Try to engage with the arguments made instead of just throwing in your little emotive rants/tantrums.

Alternatively, I guess just stay mad that others have different political views and their opinions must be wrong/bad etc.. and keep dowie in your head rent-free. :D

That reminds me. I left off the inability to gauge emotion. Nobody's mad, champ.
Can anyone summarise what the OP is on about, maybe in a short paragraph?

It was this interaction in SC (see spoiler tags below) that seems to have been the last straw for him. I called him out for doing his usual projection stuff and he had a little rant about not engaging with me... which got deleted by the mods so he's come back with a whole thread with his armchair psychological diagnosis stuff.

Yes pretty much all nations elections are the subject of 'foreign interference' well done.... you've yet again managed to state the obvious.
This is repugnant nonsense. Because it always happens, we shouldn't worry about foreign actors mugging the more dense among us into empowering those happy to harm our country?

What kind of spineless treason is that?
Where did he say any of that? You seem to be relying quite heavily on your own projections there rather than what he actually said.

It's a bit cheap to call it repugnant nonsense when you don't actually disagree with the facts.
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I feel like every time I open this thread I lose a few braincells.

I've been down to single digits for the last decade or so, I really don't learn my lesson :(

Careful mate you might get some of that "Impaired Central Coherence" the op is warning about.
Why not accept that people have different views, you're not going to like everyone's style of debate...

You accept that the phrase "Dowie-hole" was coined due to the specific way you argue with people? The fact its pretty much in the OcUK dictionary.

but if you're unable to play the ball rather than the man then don't engage... no one is forcing you to after all.

Hey, happy to play with the ball but when someone rolls it in dog **** and then throws it your way, then its hardly fair to say they are "unable to play"
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I go no idea what this thread is on about.

Can anyone summarise what the OP is on about, maybe in a short paragraph?
I wanted to discuss problems some people have with normal interpretation of language and ideas, and also people who (in pretty bad taste) ape those behaviours for a form of obtuse trolling.

Dowie seems to have decided it's time to make a thread all about him again.

Coming out and doesnt know hes on a pc forum and not the oxford union.
Wow. Is that some 90s school ground homophobia, you're still rocking there?
Hey, happy to play with the ball but when someone rolls it in dog **** and then throws it your way, then its hardly fair to say they are "unable to play"

It's up to you whether you choose to reply to anyone on here, if you can't address any of the arguments made and instead resort to insults then that's on you too.
I wanted to discuss problems some people have with normal interpretation of language and ideas

Yes, it's me the wise garnett just pondering some pragmatic language impairment, central coherence and its deleterious effect... what say you fellow online intellectuals?

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