How to address Literalism/PLI/Context Blindness/Impaired Central Coherence?

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I wanted to discuss problems some people have with normal interpretation of language and ideas

No you didn't, you tried a long-ass-winded way of squirming out of some nonsense you posted recently and didn't think you'd get called out on it.

You made a tit of yourself, at least own it.

Also lol at dowie's recent discovery of AI image creators :D
No you didn't, you tried a long-ass-winded way of squirming out of some nonsense you posted recently and didn't think you'd get called out on it.

You made a tit of yourself, at least own it.

Also lol at dowie's recent discovery of AI image creators :D
You seem to have some very strong yet very misguided opinions...


Tell me more.
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