How to build up muscle?

16 Dec 2005
Hey guys,
I'm only 15 and am looking to gain some muscle :p I have heard that doing weight lifting stumps your growth, so I'm worried about doing that. I also can't do many press ups and would like to know how to gain more :( Or is there any other useful workouts you can do to gain muscle
OK, you want to increase protein intake, and make sure you are eating right. Bodybuilding websites have great articles on how to eat correctly. You will need to train, a saying you should remember: "train like a kid/girl/weakling/etc. look like a kid/girl/weakling/etc." :p.

But seriously, I would say, eat well, and exercise as much as possible without overtraining. If you have extra body fat, you can train to convert this to muscle, but if you are already quite thin/lean, you will want to eat enough to keep you body going, and then more (bulking); during bulking you put on fat, which is converted to muscle. This is mainly a competition thing for bodybuilding, however, you will need to do it to gain muscle.

Just read up on it, read articles, and other information, and you should do well.

Edit: I have to say, that during bulking you aim to gain weight not fat, I made a mistake, however, I know that people do gain fat during bulking. I am very sorry for the error. Basically, to rephrase me thoughts, I would say that to bulk you will need to consume more calories than at other times, and this will make your weight increase. I am awfully sorry about the error. Or am I missing the point/idea of bulking? (I have never done it myself, or read about it really).

Angus Higgins
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But I don't really want to make a full daily workout of different body parts, I mjust want the bicep/tricep/chest being done, because I just want to get a bit built in the arms. Also, if I use my dumbells to weight lift, will it stump my growth?
Start of simple and easy, I wouldn't start messing your diet about at this stage.

Just do say, a hundred push ups a day, in sets of 20, or 10 if you can't manage 20 in a row yet.

do that every day and you'll notice a difference within a few weeks, although you will most likely be quite sore since you're not used to the lactic acid.
Your growth will not be stumped that is a myth, ive been weight training on and off since i was 15 and im 6'2 ;)

Start doing just the basics bicep curls etc etc check out gordyR's thread in the sports section its excellent.

Start to up your protein intake with extra chicken :)

and lastly Dont expect miracles in seconds. It takes work you should see results if you work hard and eat rite after 4 weeks and this will motivate you to keep going :)
Angus-Higgins said:
Forgive me? :p
Yeah I'll let you off.

To the OP, training your arms with dumbells isn't going to stunt your growth no, you're only going to have problems there if you embark on a serious 5 day a week heavy lifting routine targeting all muscle groups.

Read Gordy's sticky in the Sports arena as linked to in previous posts, it has all you need to know and more.
dave2k2005 said:
But I don't really want to make a full daily workout of different body parts, I mjust want the bicep/tricep/chest being done, because I just want to get a bit built in the arms. Also, if I use my dumbells to weight lift, will it stump my growth?

You are approaching this in the wrong way then, the body can only grow in proportion, thus its not sensible simply to bulk up the upper body merely because it looks impressive. Dont neglect the legs/back. :)
youll need to eat a heckuva lot all the time to put on and keep serious muscle weight...

i'm talking at least 6 main meals a day and if your body isnt used to this then itll be hard. You could also try taking protein drinks (or protein/carb mixtures) to supplement 1 or 2 of these. For guaranteed gain a creatine supplement will help a lot as well.
dave2k2005 said:
Hey guys,
I'm only 15 and am looking to gain some muscle :p I have heard that doing weight lifting stumps your growth, so I'm worried about doing that. I also can't do many press ups and would like to know how to gain more :( Or is there any other useful workouts you can do to gain muscle
When you turn 16, and apply for College, get one with a Gym!
Mine has one, free membership for Students *** :D
Mr_White said:
Just do say, a hundred push ups a day, in sets of 20, or 10 if you can't manage 20 in a row yet.
I think that might be pushing it a bit far tbh for someone just starting out - remember he's 15! I wouldn't consider myself particularly unfit (I do row and things) but I would die if I did that. People's bodies are very different.

I really can't see some light/moderate work with weights having any negative impact on your growth at all. Take it steadily and just keep on going until you can do the same more easily, when you move onto slightly harder things / more of the same thing.
A.N.Other said:
I think that might be pushing it a bit far tbh for someone just starting out - remember he's 15!

I really can't see some light/moderate work with weights having any negative impact on your growth at all. Take it steadily and just keep on going until you can do the same more easily, when you move onto slightly harder things / more of the same thing.

aye, I'm only doing 4kg at the mo, so it's not really pushing my body that much.
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