This weekend, I will mostly be working on a "how to jerk" addition to this thread.
For now, have some floor work.
The clean pull...
This is where strength/power work comes into Olympic lifting. However, to do this properly, you need to make sure you have the basics of core stability, hip drive and shrug working well (to the point where your lower back doesn't hurt when you clean).
The 'clean pull' is essentially a clean from the floor with a weight that is too great for you to get it to front rack. It involves three stages:
- First pull: a highly exaggerated deadlift with the thorax in a fixed position;
- Scoop->hip drive: bar passes knee, gets dragged up your thighs and WHACK!
- Second pull: the power shrug.
The first pull.
1) load the bar with 20kg (2*10kg) and get yourself into a 'standard' deadlift position with the bar over the bridge of your foot.
2) Keeping your weight over your heels (this is where ankle mobility comes in), lean right over the bar until your shoulders are almost past it, and pinch your scaps, and brace your core like your life depends on it.
3) Pull. Keeping your torso fixed, shoulders hard back, lift the bar with your hamstrings.
This is done by pulling your knees back. This should wind you up in an interesting position, with your knees almost straight, the bar just below your knee and with your torso at a severe angle. Recognise it from your hip drive work?
The key thing with the first pull is keeping your torso as tight as you can and shoulders right over the bar - I can't emphasise this enough.
Scoop, hip drive and second pull.
This is essentially the same as your standard power clean/hip clean/whatever. However, as the weight is too great, you will simply be driving your hips through and shrugging hard.
Do not worry about the weight (assuming you can get it past your first pull): you might think it will move more slowly (and it will at first), but in the end it will be zipping almost as fast as your regular loads.
However, you MUST make sure your driving from your hips rather than lower back for these. If you pull from your back, you might as well be doing a bad deadlift and your in for all kinds of pain. Trust me: I've done it. And it is pretty uncomfortable.
So what does this look like?
Notice I'm using straps. Clean pulls can put an enormous strain on your grip because of the hip drive power (not force!) involved. Straps make this a lot easier to bear.
Also notice how my torso dips slightly during the first pull, showing how I need to keep my core more stable and shoulders pinned harder.
WARNING: for the first few sessions, this exercise will give you the most uber hamstring and trap pump you have probably ever felt. It's fricking awesome.