How to 'get out more'. Go to pub alone?

Man of Honour
24 Sep 2005
Having thought about it some more, I think being less grumpy at work could reap its benefits. Could be some cool people on your doorstep!
5 Aug 2006
You need to find an excuse to get out the house to do something that involves you meeting new people. You must have some interests? What are they?

- Dogs (Steal one or two from parents most weekends and enjoy walking them)
- Computers (Hardware, gaming etc.)
- Films/TV Series
- Cars (Own a 1992 MX5)
- Gym
- Music (Rock I suppose)
- Engineering (Employed as a design engineer)
- House (Decorating, slowly doing things)
- Eating out
- Cinema
- General outings like Farmer's markets or food & drink festivals
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29 Mar 2011
Thanks for the posts so far! Some encouraging stuff!

I will definitely check Oasis. I am single but this thread was to look for friends (seen more women this year than my entire life before) so whilst not loaded with ladies, I am just pleased I am progressing!

I'm not into night clubs. The stupid prices, the inch of urine in the toilets and bog troll trying to sell you a spray of aftershave, the chavvy women, the 40 year old mutton dressed as lamb. Really not my scene. At age 27 I am happy with going to them for the work Xmas party and perhaps once in the summer.
Whilst I very rarely do it, getting hammered at a bar/pub is more my thing.

That's what I use it for. ;) I only get on with the female variety! :p

Bog troll....lnfao!! :D Last time I went to a club was before the smoking ban. Not been since! ;)
5 Aug 2006
Having thought about it some more, I think being less grumpy at work could reap its benefits. Could be some cool people on your doorstep!

With the job I had locally that was impossible as it crushed me, but those days are gone and that ship has sailed!
I have changed my out-of-work life that allows me to properly wind down now and I have significantly improved my grumpiness at work over the last month!

That said, the company is slowly going busy (imo) and am moving to a huge company in an exciting new role in the near future - Just pending background checks.
I've promised myself that in my new role I will keep all frustrations bottled up until I go to the gym :).
25 Jun 2009
well you could join the mx5 forums and attend the "south west" or whatever meets.

You could go to an local internet/gaming cafe which admittedly could be a waste of time, but you might meet some fellow geeks. maybe they might have some events on which would make it less strange ie CS or UT night.

either that or you and your homie hit the local pubs and try and make some freinds. I'm sure he'd do that for you, even if its not his thing. Just play some pool baddly and no doubt people will wanna play some doubles.
30 Jan 2009
Aquilonem Londinensi
I go to the pub alone all the time. Know 95% of the regulars in there, most not what I'd consider friends as such but know well enough to hold a conversation. My reason for going out alone is to get away from everyone I know socially :p
4 Feb 2014
Bordeaux, France
Think of something you like doing then find a suitable group on MeetUp, or start your own group if one doesn't exist.

There are all sorts of groups on there... near me I saw French language speaking, trance music listening, book reading, horror film watching and food cooking & eating. The key is to find something you enjoy doing, that way you'll be having fun regardless of whether you instantly make friends - and people will want to engage with you because you're the fun guy, as opposed to trying to force any kind of friendship. Many events are free, so there's no excuse really.
30 Oct 2013
I think you're just showing off really.
To clarify...
You own a house and can pretty much come and go as you please as you have few responsibilities (I'm guessing here).
You have a couple of mates.
You can get weed on demand from said mates.
You can get ladies on demand via dating sites.
You own a classic ladies sports car.
You go to the gym and are now like arnie.

My heart bleeds for you.

Seriously, I don't get time to do half the things you do, and even if I did have time the wife might not be too keen on me joining an adult dating site.

Why not learn hairdressing as you already have the required vehicle, that way you can meet all the ladies you could shake a stick at and walk around town like the Zohan.
Man of Honour
21 Feb 2006
As you get older it becomes a non issue frankly. When I was a yoof, like all my mates, I hated to be first in the pub and would always arrive late to ensure i wasn't. These days if I am meeting mates I like to get there early, grab a beer and seat and read OCUK on my telephone device, which these days has more power than a Cray computer and many many colours and things they call Apps which allow me to send mates many many messages that tell them I am in the pub and asking them where the **** are they.
29 Aug 2007
The type of people who might be interested in meeting people who go to the pub on their own are probably not the type of people you want to spend time with.

I think xordium nailed it. Clubs and social events are probably going to help you meet people who are in to similar things as yourself.
5 Aug 2006
I think you're just showing off really.
To clarify...
You own a house and can pretty much come and go as you please as you have few responsibilities (I'm guessing here).
You have a couple of mates.
You can get weed on demand from said mates.
You can get ladies on demand via dating sites.
You own a classic ladies sports car.
You go to the gym and are now like arnie.

My heart bleeds for you.

Seriously, I don't get time to do half the things you do, and even if I did have time the wife might not be too keen on me joining an adult dating site.

Why not learn hairdressing as you already have the required vehicle, that way you can meet all the ladies you could shake a stick at and walk around town like the Zohan.

At least you made me laugh :).
My worst enemy is myself for being critical!
I often go to the gym due to wanting to get out the house. I certainly don't eat right and don't inject steroids!
Where did the weed thing come from?
When I say I meet more women than ever....not hard when the 2 years previous was 0! That is what I meant :p.

Being successful from a financial point of view is mutually exclusive from being successful socially (friends, partner).
Yes I have a mortgage and yes I have a weekend car (which cost me £900), but I'd happily get rid of the car for someone worth spending time with :).
For reference a 3 bed semi round here in the nicer bit is £100,000. This is very easy to get mixed up with the rest of the UK as Stoke is VERY cheap.

Most single men are not well off because they are on mega money, it is because they only have to pay for themselves.....and shop at Primani :).
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13 Jan 2010
Another thread I'm interested in

I'm in a similar (not In any way as good!) situation
New area
No friends /gf
Not good at talking to random people

Tried one of those meet up groups but people are pretty dull I have to say.
I'm good chatter once I get going, but making any sort of first move isn't easy

I personally wouldn't go to a pub as I would feel everyone is with someone else and I was intruding
Hopefully some suggestions in here are applicable to me!
1 Dec 2005
Stoke on Trent
Hey all.
I live in Stoke and bought a house here in 2013, but I am now working 40 miles away. I am not originally from Stoke.
Obviously this means people I meet socially need to be outside of work. I'm fine outside of work but in work I can get a tad grumpy, so not interested in socialising with colleagues.

I've got a very close friend who lives just a few doors down (both have mx5s and met that way) and get along very well.
We speak most days and go out frequently - Out for tea (dinner to posher Southerners!), cinema, shopping etc.
Others are people I used to work with I meet now and then and a few uni mates I meet 1-2 times per year.
My closest university friends were international students so a meet up one weekend is not possible.
So I want to get out more to meet new people. Ladies also (used online dating, with mixed success over last 6 months).

What I am doing to get myself out there:
- I go to the odd car show locally
- I go the gym (1 mile away) 4-5 times per week and chat to a lot of people there.
I've gained a lot of confidence over the last 18 months as I have slowly lost weight and put on some muscle, which is helping a lot.
I'd say I am not a social person and whilst undiagnosed am a bit anxious and often avoid social situations!

Thinking of going to the pub. I have tried it twice but found it hard to strike up conversation - Drink a pint or two on my own then leave even though I am sat at the bar. Should I keep at it?
Note: This is NOT a woe-is-me thread! Just looking for pointers and ideas.

TLDR: Would you go to the pub alone?

Get yourself down the ashwood Friday. Come see me sing lol. Or if you want see a real good singer go see dave ( dimple ) off the forums in his band disturbin the peace. Ive seent hem a few time and there great. The wife goes a lot as well with her dad.
30 Oct 2013
At least you made me laugh :).

Good because it was meant to be taken that way.

Now to respond to your op.
I personally don't go to the pub alone, not that I'm against it or anything like that but I imagine if you do start to go alone and don't find people to make friends with you would have to spend longer in the pub on your next visit and before you know it you would be there from work until bedtime every night just on the off chance you might meet some interesting folk to spark some decent conversation.

Learn to play a musical instrument and then have a look around for jamming nights etc...
18 Oct 2002
Sheffield, UK
I can't go to the pub on my own. Even waiting for mate to arrive for 20 minutes drives me crazy. I hate it.

However, I do have friends who go to the pub alone and they love it. They say it's for socialising, but really it's because they're borderline alcoholics. If you're going to socialise, you don't go at 9AM on a Monday morning.
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