How to 'get out more'. Go to pub alone?

PayDay Lover
18 Sep 2014
Hobbies. Mine is online gaming of course, so not exactly a powerful way to meet ladies (although I did meet my wife in a game so even that is possible).
But for general meeting of people like minded, you can have the nerdy kind of hobbies - Roleplaying clubs, board game clubs, Magic the Gathering or whatever clubs.
These are great ways to meet people with similar interests.
23 Apr 2014
Could only go to pubs/clubs alone when I was absolutely wasted, which sort of defeated the point as I could barely remember the conversations I had, just flashbacks of saying and doing utterly cringeworthy stuff.
17 Sep 2011
OP - I like your bravery and fact you want to do something about your situation a lot of people feel sorry for themselves and mop around, its good you don't hang around with your weed mates.

Good that you go gym.. but don't they have any classes? I find doing classes at a gym helps me meet new people as people doing weights or on tredmill are harder to talk too as there busy training, whilst with classes you can chit chat before or after.

Have you tried dating sites or tinder to meet women - sounds like you need someone in your life to keep you busy and take your mind of things, meet a women go cinema etc.

Personally I can't goto pub or club or cinema alone I don't have the confidence I guess? I'd feel people are looking at me lol or people would judge im a weirdo... shame we live in this society. Then if you do talk to someone they think "why you talking to me.. what do you want".

You got any brothers / sisters / cousins in your area to go pub with?

keep doing what your doing though sounds good.
13 May 2012
Wow - that meetup site is actually really good :D Weird to believe that less than 5 mins away there is a gaming/tabletop group, and some members are avid game designers employed in the industry - something that interests and relates to me a lot! Now whether or not I decide to sign up later :o I suck at talking to new people, even over the internet at first :D
7 Feb 2009
Personally I can't goto pub or club or cinema alone I don't have the confidence I guess? I'd feel people are looking at me lol or people would judge im a weirdo... shame we live in this society. Then if you do talk to someone they think "why you talking to me.. what do you want".

The cinema isn't exactly a social place, since you can't actually talk whilst watching the film.

I've been there loads of times on my own. No big deal at all.
7 Nov 2002
pantyhose factory
I think you're just showing off really.
To clarify...
You own a house and can pretty much come and go as you please as you have few responsibilities (I'm guessing here).
You have a couple of mates.
You can get weed on demand from said mates.
You can get ladies on demand via dating sites.
You own a classic ladies sports car.
You go to the gym and are now like arnie.

My heart bleeds for you.

Seriously, I don't get time to do half the things you do, and even if I did have time the wife might not be too keen on me joining an adult dating site.

Why not learn hairdressing as you already have the required vehicle, that way you can meet all the ladies you could shake a stick at and walk around town like the Zohan.

lol........ cleaning coffee off my keyboard as I type !!!!
28 Dec 2009
I started going to a meet up on I have been to atheist meetup in london when they have good speakers after work during the week. I have been to a few more different ones but didn't like it that much. Its topic based so when you go there you know you can just talk about the topic. Take a look on there for any that have your interests.
21 Sep 2013
- Dogs (Steal one or two from parents most weekends and enjoy walking them)
- Computers (Hardware, gaming etc.)
- Films/TV Series
- Cars (Own a 1992 MX5)
- Gym
- Music (Rock I suppose)
- Engineering (Employed as a design engineer)
- House (Decorating, slowly doing things)
- Eating out
- Cinema
- General outings like Farmer's markets or food & drink festivals

With a list of interests like that, maybe you should go to the pub on pub quiz night....there are usually teams that will take extra members if you ask them...
17 Sep 2011
The cinema isn't exactly a social place, since you can't actually talk whilst watching the film.

I've been there loads of times on my own. No big deal at all.

I agree, I think my concern is if for example an ex sees me or some old friends or something and then judge me with the loser tag or billy no mates tag ... when I work away from my home town i'll quite happily goto cinema or nandos by myself for example... sad isn't it that i'm concerned how i'm judged I guess lol
22 Nov 2005
You could go out clubbing solo.

I know a guy who used to seem like a loner but he was my GFs best friend at the time.
I think she was the only person he used to ever hang around with even since school age.

at around 30 he completely changed and started going out by himself.
He then came out as gay.
Now he's got loads of friends and is the most out going person I know.

I couldn't do it but it's clearly possible from going from almost 0 friends to having a lot.

there will be some social meet ups in your city organised on and probably walking , cycling groups etc likely a group where people meet every other week and goto the cinema or a restaurant.

Maybe try giving one of those a go
17 Sep 2011
You could go out clubbing solo.

I know a guy who used to seem like a loner but he was my GFs best friend at the time.
I think she was the only person he used to ever hang around with even since school age.

at around 30 he completely changed and started going out by himself.
He then came out as gay.
Now he's got loads of friends and is the most out going person I know.

I couldn't do it but it's clearly possible from going from almost 0 friends to having a lot

moral of the story ... turn gay and get more friends :D
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