How to get rid of : Jehovah Witness

One of my best friends is a Jehova's witness and has tried to get me to join - but I simply said no. I thought that was the best bet rather than being a ****.
Robert said:
One of my best friends is a Jehova's witness and has tried to get me to join - but I simply said no. I thought that was the best bet rather than being a ****.

should have kidnapped him, tied him to an armchair, strip him naked, paint him red, give him some horns and push him down a big hill into a lake.

Put one of these in your front garden.

pitchfork said:
Put one of these in your front garden.


Not sure how that'll help, given that the JW's don't believe Jesus rose from the dead in the first place.

Edited due to theological aberration.

Also, I think Jesus undid their site, as it's not been updated since 15/02/04.
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