What I found with the hazard perception when I did mine, was the 'hazard' is generally obvious before it's considered a hazard, the difficulty is getting the timing right on your clicks to satisfy the numpties. I found the best way to score the required points was to click when you see what is going to be the hazard, wait a second, click, and click again aiming for the 5 points, then click again for good measure.
As an example you see someone walking along the street, they turn towards the road, that's turned into a potential hazard in my opinion but it's not considered an actual hazard, so clicking now is 'too early' but I click, as they put one foot off the curb, I click again, as they enter the roadway I click again.
I felt the hazard perception was more learning and playing the game, than actual hazard perception. I'm sure you'll have no problems.