How to save for a home deposit quicker, when spending so much on rent and bills? (1 Post)

You have to leave London to have any hope whatsoever of buying a house.
Truth hurts. Have a session on Rightmove looking at properties in the midlands/north.

This isn't true, you don't need to go as far as the midlands to buy. I live in the south east and work in London and you don't need to move outside of London to save. Sure you could potentially save more outside of London but would almost certainly earn less with less prospects or potential. Some house shares aren't all that expensive and as salary goes up so do the savings etc. You just gotta keep plugging away and grafting until you get a chunk of cash behind you. It's like anything else in life if you want nice things you are going to have to make concessions and work hard for them. A house is possibly one of the biggest purchases you will ever make and getting on the ladder doesn't always come easy.
Sorry - been busy at work - trying to make monies ya know.

Using overclockers because it came up highly on Google. That k?

Why not there is a section called home and garden to discuss home and garden type things. It's an open forum and here to be used! Plenty of people on here have invaluable experience in these sorts of thing so why not tap into it?
This isn't true, you don't need to go as far as the midlands to buy. I live in the south east and work in London and you don't need to move outside of London to save. Sure you could potentially save more outside of London but would almost certainly earn less with less prospects or potential. Some house shares aren't all that expensive and as salary goes up so do the savings etc. You just gotta keep plugging away and grafting until you get a chunk of cash behind you. It's like anything else in life if you want nice things you are going to have to make concessions and work hard for them. A house is possibly one of the biggest purchases you will ever make and getting on the ladder doesn't always come easy.

less prospects and potential is only valid to people who actually have prospects and potential. it depends entirely on what he does for work.

so moving away could be a sensible decision to make if he doesn't have any. he will earn less but everything else will be substantially cheaper meaning he now has more.
less prospects and potential is only valid to people who actually have prospects and potential. it depends entirely on what he does for work.

so moving away could be a sensible decision to make if he doesn't have any. he will earn less but everything else will be substantially cheaper meaning he now has more.

Given that he mentions finishing UNI 3 years ago etc I am making assumptions that there is potential there. :)
huge assumption there. unless he done law or something medical related.

Psh... he could have done computer science, computing, engineering, chemistry, maths and a multitude of other STEM based subjects and be on 30+ within a few years. I mean Jesus i'm think as a plank and managed to pass a computer science degree and earn good money. I have been working in London for 18 years, lived in a shared flat for a bit and now own a couple of properties so think I am quite well positioned on this one but perhaps not!

The way I see it is stick and there is potential to do anything you want within reason, or you can go midlands/north and never know what you could have done and settle for less than you are perhaps capable of. It's a valid choice, just not one that I would have ever gone for.
Psh... he could have done computer science, computing, engineering, chemistry, maths and a multitude of other STEM based subjects and be on 30+ within a few years. I mean Jesus i'm think as a plank and managed to pass a computer science degree and earn good money. I have been working in London for 18 years, lived in a shared flat for a bit and now own a couple of properties so think I am quite well positioned on this one but perhaps not!

still a huge assumption to make. he's likely done art and is now a car salesman. more likely that than he's done something worthwhile.

otherwise he wouldn't be living in a shared household and have his own small place.
still a huge assumption to make. he's likely done art and is now a car salesman. more likely that than he's done something worthwhile.

otherwise he wouldn't be living in a shared household and have his own small place.

lol you make a good point! I think we need clarity from the op here! @@ ndr3w what is it you do buddy?
£5 handjobs. 30 a day, and you've got a decent deposit inside a year.

It's an absolute untapped gold mine. Get in before the rush.


I've gotta admit I honestly didn't think you were on about car washes at first!

To the OP, unless you're earning 50k+, you'd be better off moving and finding a job outside of London.
I started saving when I was 15. Every wage I got I immediately saved 50%. I then divided the remaining amount by the amount of days in a month and never spent over it. Worked perfectly for me but everyone has their method.
That means you never spent even 2% of your monthly wage on any day. So if you earned say £1k/month you wouldn't even be allowed to spend £20. I don't think many people could live like that, unless you were allowed to carry over unspent days.
I started saving when I was 15. Every wage I got I immediately saved 50%. I then divided the remaining amount by the amount of days in a month and never spent over it. Worked perfectly for me but everyone has their method.
Is that before or after allowing for rent, travel, food? It's a different game of your parents are providing room and board. 50% of income is gone on the 3/4 basics.
still a huge assumption to make. he's likely done art and is now a car salesman. more likely that than he's done something worthwhile.

otherwise he wouldn't be living in a shared household and have his own small place.

I was a car salesman, with a law degree and I made over £50k in my final year.
Ultimately I moved elsewhere in the business as I didn’t particularly enjoy it but you may be surprised how much people earn selling cars.
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