How to use a AMP in a Pc's Sound System.

If you make sure that your source (TV? or Sky Box? DVD Player?), has a line output; then yeah, you can run the audio through an amplifier & speakers. This is really simple, and provides much better sounds than you'd get using your TVs built in speakers.

This is a slippery slope though; I started off looking for a 5.1 setup for ~£200 and ended up Spending ~£1000 on an AV Reciever (Onkyo TX-SR606), which goes up to 7.1, and has HDMI inputs; and some 5.1 Speakers (Quad L-ite).

Don't worry, I haven't got the cash so it wont get silly :P
None at the time, as I am getting the TV/ But I have two sony speakers that we don't use, (dad couldnt be assed changing his technics ones when he got a new hi fi)

But i am earning £30 a week , which I could then save to get more speakers or better ones.
^ as above, the Impact T is a very good amp. Otherwise the Cambridge. You could also get an integrated amp instead, which has an optical input, eliminating the need for a decent soundcard.
I honestly wouldn't bother getting a sound card if you're on a budget and just want stereo sound. Onboard is a lot better than it used to be. Spend the money you save on better amp/speakers.
Looks to cheap :D

I can budge a bit if it is worth it for more quality.

Also I think i will use them for my computer & Tv .

If you spend more an amp then you will have less to spend on speakers.

I don't think you will find anything that beats the Sonic Impact amp for less than £100... Feel free to prove me wrong tho. ;)
you're not really helping him are you?

yes, IMO, it is very noticable. if you cant decide then dont get a sound card. get the rest of the gear, set it up and see if you're happy. then[i/] decide on getting a soundcard or not.

well no, but imo he'd be better of with a cheap integrated amp off the bay, something like a Yamaha 396? (or maybe something a little newer?)
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