How to write a birthday card in Welsh

All government agencies should adopt welsh as a cipher. We'ld never have to worry again about information falling into the wrong hands or being lost. :cool:

Because it would take forever to write out and would be simpler and cheaper to give a Welsh speaker a plane ticket and send him of to where the message is intended to go. And if he was caught, nobody would have a clue what he was saying.
Dunno like. Bet the pesky Russians and Chinese cant figure it out, I've seen it once or twice in Telford on the trains service but bugger me do I know what it says. :D

All government agencies should adopt welsh as a cipher. We'ld never have to worry again about information falling into the wrong hands or being lost. :cool:

Coming this summer to the big screen "Valleytalkers" :p

.... and have a leek on me. :D

A sign of a very close friendship ;)

The current legislation going through is placing to much of an administrative burden onto companies, forcing them to work in both languages and a company of any real size needs too work in English as the Welsh market alone is not big enough to sustain them. There is a marked decline in new investment both in manufacturing and call centres because it is cheaper and easier for a company to work elsewhere. There are also hundreds of crazy facts like the NHS in wales spent enough money to build a new specialist Childrens Hospital (Which they currently don't have) on totally unnecessary dual language signs. The list go's on and on and gets worse every year with new loegislation comming out of the self serving assembly, Wales is to small economically to survive in isolation so forcing the use of an archaic language that 20 years ago was well on the way to dieing out cannot be seen as forward thinking. It is not the national language of Wales and hasn't been for over a 100 years, preserving things at the expense of progress and prosperity is not forward thinking. Oh and don't get me started on S4C the most expensive TV chanel in the world if costs are divided per viewer.

Welsh isn't the national language of Wales? lolwut! It might not be the most spoken language, but that's like saying Irish isn't the national language of Ireland.

FYI, many S4C programmes e.g. Pobol Y Cwm are filmed at BBC Llandaff, which if you want to break it down, costs no more to make than any other programme at that location. Unless the language costs more to store on the server because of the subtitles? :p

It is a punishment when that slot in the timetable could be taken up by learning something that might benefit them in the long term, say Chinese?

Give over. I can speak fluent Welsh and it has gotten me a job over other candidates in the past, just because many businesses do support welsh speakers.
Well I used I and O, so thanks for the helpful responses. Sorry joey1211, I would have used yours if I hadn't already written the card. :D

My Welsh teacher
Yes, the lady who taught me for Welsh GCSE. She was awesome, she worked extremely hard for her class, my best friend and I just weren't learning anything (despite the rest of the class doing just fine) so she completely re-organised how she was teaching us. It worked, the class as a whole did well, my mate got a B and I got a C and I'm still grateful to her. Diolch Miss Williams. :)
Welsh isn't the national language of Wales? lolwut! It might not be the most spoken language, but that's like saying Irish isn't the national language of Ireland.

Might be the traditional language of Wales but it certainly isn't the current first language of the country despite the millions being poored into it. It's bit like the national dress is those big black hats for women but you won't see many on the streets of even the most Welsh of Welsh villages.

FYI, many S4C programmes e.g. Pobol Y Cwm are filmed at BBC Llandaff, which if you want to break it down, costs no more to make than any other programme at that location. Unless the language costs more to store on the server because of the subtitles? :p

Read what I said, it is the most expensive TV channel in the world PER VIEWER and the only channel in the British rating systems to regular record a 0 viewing figure. It would be funny if it wasn't so wastefull and to think the channel is part funded by all British tax payers....

Give over. I can speak fluent Welsh and it has gotten me a job over other candidates in the past, just because many businesses do support welsh speakers.

It has helped to get you a job in an artificial job market created by legislation, Welsh business would have no need for Welsh speakers if it was not for draconian legislation. Big business is not investing in Wales because this legislation makes it prohibitively expensive and it is easier for them to setup over the boarder.

The current Welsh language movement is so short sighted I just can't belive the country is getting carried along with.

Well done on picking out the nothing points in my post are ignoring the serious economic impact of the legislation supporting the Welsh language.
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Your what now?

Another Welsh assembly Job creation scheme, make GCSE Welsh compulsory and not only do you get to fudge the figures for the number of people now speaking the language but you make jobs for a load of Welsh language speakers ignoring the fact that the jobs have to be paid for from the tax take and offer no wealth creation what so ever.

Look at the English translation beneath it? :D

Soon to be disapearing from Road Signs in some parts of North Wales, for some reason.
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Might be the traditional language of Wales but it certainly isn't the current first language of the country despite the millions being poored into it. It's bit like the national dress is those big black hats for women but you won't see many on the streets of even the most Welsh of Welsh villages.

Read what I said, it is the most expensive TV channel in the world PER VIEWER and the only channel in the British rating systems to regular record a 0 viewing figure. It would be funny if it wasn't so wastefull and to think the channel is part funded by all British tax payers....

It has helped to get you a job in an artificial job market created by legislation, Welsh business would have no need for Welsh speakers if it was not for draconian legislation. Big business is not investing in Wales because this legislation makes it prohibitively expensive and it is easier for them to setup over the boarder.

The current Welsh language movement is so short sighted I just can't belive the country is getting carried along with.

Well done on picking out the nothing points in my post are ignoring the serious economic impact of the legislation supporting the Welsh language.

I agree with some of your points dude but tbh your spelling needs to be improved when you're arguing about language :p
I agree with some of your points dude but tbh your spelling needs to be improved when you're arguing about language :p

Sorry I was educated in Wales where the state school system fails it's pupils when compared to it's English counterpart. If they invested money in improving teaching standards instead of translating all official documents and communications into a defunct language maybe my spelling would be perfect. :p
Might be the traditional language of Wales but it certainly isn't the current first language of the country despite the millions being poored into it. It's bit like the national dress is those big black hats for women but you won't see many on the streets of even the most Welsh of Welsh villages.
Other than on March 1st? Never.. been then, what other national dress do you see worn on a daily basis?

Read what I said, it is the most expensive TV channel in the world PER VIEWER and the only channel in the British rating systems to regular record a 0 viewing figure. It would be funny if it wasn't so wastefull and to think the channel is part funded by all British tax payers....

In fairness the content is so poor, it's not worth watching. I've worked at BBC Llandaff, on the set of high hopes, the national news and Pobol Y Cwm and there's no suprise people don't watch it. I will say I misread your post, and tried to argue the cost implications of producing the show.

It has helped to get you a job in an artificial job market created by legislation, Welsh business would have no need for Welsh speakers if it was not for draconian legislation. Big business is not investing in Wales because this legislation makes it prohibitively expensive and it is easier for them to setup over the boarder.

I don't think that's the primary reason why businesses are not investing in Wales. I'd like to see facts on how many went to England because of the legislation. I'd say more went overseas, where labour is cheaper.

The current Welsh language movement is so short sighted I just can't belive the country is getting carried along with.

If you don't live here, then why does it bother you so much? Why aren't you campaigning against it, instead of bleating on about it here.

Well done on picking out the nothing points in my post are ignoring the serious economic impact of the legislation supporting the Welsh language.
I'm not an economics man. I've seen no evidence of this impact myself, so can't really see your point :o

Sorry I was educated in Wales where the state school system fails it's pupils when compared to it's English counterpart. If they invested money in improving teaching standards instead of translating all official documents and communications into a defunct language maybe my spelling would be perfect. :p
So what your saying is, although English is your primary language, you fail at it because of your sub-standard education? Not the fact, you should have listened it bit better at school. I took all my exams in Welsh at University, but still spell and use grammar correctly when speaking english? You have a bug up your ass. :p
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Sorry I was educated in Wales where the state school system fails it's pupils when compared to it's English counterpart. If they invested money in improving teaching standards instead of translating all official documents and communications into a defunct language maybe my spelling would be perfect. :p

Ouch, not so sly dig :D :p
Other than on March 1st? Never.. been then, what other national dress do you see worn on a daily basis?

Thanks for supporting my point, it is clearly no longer the national dress in the same way as Welsh is clearly no longer the national language. It is undeniable that were it not for the artificial support given to the Welsh language by the national assembly then it would be a tiny minority language on the rocks rather than a growing cost and burden on the nations finances.

In fairness the content is so poor, it's not worth watching. I've worked at BBC Llandaff, on the set of high hopes, the national news and Pobol Y Cwm and there's no suprise people don't watch it. I will say I misread your post, and tried to argue the cost implications of producing the show.

So we are in agreement that the only Welsh language TV station in thw world is a massive waste of money and should either be forced to finance itself from advertising revues or shut down as the viewing figures don't justify it's existence?

I don't think that's the primary reason why businesses are not investing in Wales. I'd like to see facts on how many went to England because of the legislation. I'd say more went overseas, where labour is cheaper.

Hard facts are very difficult to produce but you only have to look at the lack of investment compared to similarly deprived areas of northern England on Scotland to understand that something is wrong. The additional government and EU fuding that areas of South Wales attract used to draw in the call centres but now despite this they are closing down.

If you don't live here, then why does it bother you so much? Why aren't you campaigning against it, instead of bleating on about it here.

I spent my childhood in Wales and I hate to see the isolationalist, nationalist agenda damaging the place. There is a growing campaign and raising awareness is part of that, If I've at least got you thinking about the cost implications of the Welsh language movement then this was more than worth it.

I'm not an economics man. I've seen no evidence of this impact myself, so can't really see your point :o

You can't see that it costs a company more to operate needlessly in dual language? If there was an economic reason companies would do it willingly but there is not hence they only do it when forced by legislation. You don't see that Cardiff had to wait years for a Childrens hospital while funds were diverted into dual language signage? You don't see all the things that this massive budget could be spent on that would improve Wales both materially and economically?

So what your saying is, although English is your primary language, you fail at it because of your sub-standard education? Not the fact, you should have listened it bit better at school. I took all my exams in Welsh at University, but still spell and use grammar correctly when speaking english? You have a bug up your ass. :p

My English isn't great at the best of times and it's even worse when typing forum posts as I don't really care or try. I'm half joking when I blame the Welsh education system but it is a statment of fact when I say that in direct comparisons to Enlgand the system fails it's pupils in terms of achievment.
I pretty much agree with everything a1ex2001 says. I wish the Welsh language zealots and their chums in Cardiff Bay would stop foisting a dead language on a population who simply don't care about it.
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