How well will I be able to run Oblivion with these specs?

6 Jun 2006
Hi, how well will I be able to run games like Oblivion on these specs;

AMD Athlon 64 3800+ am2

Gigabyte (not sure on model) Motherboard

Radeon Sapphire x1600 pro 256mb (PCI-e)



It'll run it, but don't expect miracles. If I were in your position I would sell the X1600 and buy an X1800XT 256MB for £160, as the rest of your system is overkill for that card and an X1800XT runs Oblivion great. :)
By 'the rest of the system is overkill for that card' do you mean it will bottleneck my cpu etc when playing games?
Your graphics card is a fair bit lower on the performance scale than the rest of the system you have there. Going from the X1600Pro to an X1800XT or 7900GT would make a world of difference.

You asked if that system could play Oblivion though. It will definitely play it just not in any great level of detail and high resolutions, but it'll play.
Depends on what settings the Oblivion launcher detects for your system, but I can't imagine it being very generous due to the X1600.

Edit: It's worth trying at least and messing with the settings, then seeing if you are happy with the performance and eye candy, as it'll definitely run at the very least.
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Úlfhednar said:
Depends on what settings the Oblivion launcher detects for your system, but I can't imagine it being very generous due to the X1600.
Well my friend has the same gfx card, ram and similar board as me apart from the cpu which he has a 3500+ and he said it started and works on all high (not max) for him. :confused:
You'll probably get away with medium to high settings, just it will depend on how you like your framerates, as some people stick things on high and don't mind the framedrops.
DaveyD said:
You'll probably get away with medium to high settings, just it will depend on how you like your framerates, as some people stick things on high and don't mind the framedrops.
I will be happy with medium to high, any day. I'm not expecting uber settings and frame rate, I was just wondering at how high I could go with it still being decent.
FirebarUK said:
Try and get another Gig of RAM and see if you can stretch to a Core 2 Duo 6300. Oblivion would love you for that.
Lol I don't have enough money for that unfortunatly. I am still at school and i've managed to scrape up the money to buy the specs I mentioned in the first post, which i'm happy with for now.
Johanson said:
Get a job as soon as you can.
At 14? The most I can earn a week is about £20 doing a paper round.

The only income I do have is web design/development. I can earn enough if I am saving up for something.
My specs:

AMD [email protected] on air
AGP 7800GS
2Gb Cheap RAM

Plays Oblivion nicely on medium settings at 1024. Your spec will have no problem and I certainly wouldn't bother spending money upgrading just to improve something you're not gonna look at much like the sky or the grass.
spinneR~uk said:
My specs:

AMD [email protected] on air
AGP 7800GS
2Gb Cheap RAM

Plays Oblivion nicely on medium settings at 1024. Your spec will have no problem and I certainly wouldn't bother spending money upgrading just to improve something you're not gonna look at much like the sky or the grass.
Thanks, and is the resolution you're reffering to 1024x768? :rolleyes:
He would be yes, but his system is probably heavily CPU bottlenecked, wheras yours shouldn't be, only really graphics and RAM.
FirebarUK said:
Try and get another Gig of RAM and see if you can stretch to a Core 2 Duo 6300. Oblivion would love you for that.
That won't benefit him at all with an X1600 driving the graphics, that's the bottleneck here not his CPU or RAM.

His system will run Oblivion as-is, so I would just suggest he tries it and sees if he is happy. If he's not then selling his X1600 and trying to get an X1800 would be a great move.
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