Is that 100MB/s using ZFS on Solaris do you mean? What build are you using? Can you tell me more? I want to set up a server to perform various duties including:
PS3 Media server
File storage
Ability to run XBMC
I have been looking at using Ubuntu with FlexRaidLive when it comes out in a few weeks. I don't like the look of unraid since it ties you into a licence restricted to putting your faith into a USB device lasting for as long as your server is required, plus limits you to 20 HDDs. Oh and it's not free.
I refuse to use Windows anything. I have looked at freenas but it looks a bit limiting in terms of the OS, a bit like unraid.
ZFS on Solaris looks good. I have some experience of it, but mainly as a corporate unix server and I have not trialed any of the ZFS benefits.
For me, I find 50MB/s unacceptable. 75+ is my target, preferably 100.
Using Solaris Express 11. I was on OpenIndiana, but switched over to the dark side to see if it made any difference (which it didn't). Now its working I cba to go back.
I sorted things out, still not exactly sure what did it but I get 101MB/s sustained reads and writes over SMB now. There's a great web configuration interface for ZFS called napp-it if you are interested. It's easily installed via perl script from the internet.
Among the things I did were upgrading to 4GB RAM, disabling sync on the smb shared zfs folder, playing around with network settings on my windows clients, and putting an smb.conf file in /etc/samba with the following code:
max xmit = 65535
block size = 4096
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