HS2/High Speed 2 - Will it happen?

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Why must there be endless debate about building projects in the UK. We're still using infrastructure built in the Victorian era because politicians/councils are so incapable of moving into the 21st century.

If HS2 is in any way going to be a reflection of modern Britain, well it's already failed, and Brexit is likely going the same way.
Why must there be endless debate about building projects in the UK. We're still using infrastructure built in the Victorian era because politicians/councils are so incapable of moving into the 21st century.

If HS2 is in any way going to be a reflection of modern Britain, well it's already failed, and Brexit is likely going the same way.
Heathrow is the best example
I think you overestimate how quickly the rail industry moves in terms of implementing new tech.
Lol. You're kidding right?

Okay the train manufacturers may be a bit more future looking, but the rail industry whilst keen on innovation and adopting new technologies is tied down with huge amounts of bureaucracy - if you've ever had to work on a NR framework it's almost impossible to tie your shoelace without having a huge amount of competencies signed off, checks and so on. Don't get me wrong, it works and is necessary - it's a high risk environment, but innovation in engineering/construction/infrastructure has as long way to go. However, I'm pleased to report that the industry IS changing, and we are starting to push against the status quo, and things are starting to come to life which is exciting. But it is very early days.

Crossrail is being built with a 120year lifespan - no one will be accountable in 120years if it has failed or not performed to expectation. Sure at Crossrail they have extremely modern trains (that have to conform to multiple rail signaling systems), regenerative braking, sensors all over the rolling stock equivalent to F1 teams, and lots more. However a train is at the behest of the infrastructure upon which it is being used, and what technology that infrastructure is capable of.
I think you overestimate how quickly the rail industry moves in terms of implementing new tech.
I know it moves slowly, but as someone with very limited knowledge of the industry and simply looking at it as a whole from the outside, it doesn't seem like a particularly large move forward for something that wont be complete until 2035+. Happy to be informed differently though.

But then again, it will have zero effect on me and I'm still stuck being served by Class 150 trains built in the mid-1980s. When they actually arrive that is...
Good idea in theory, and I live close to Crewe so I could use it. However, it will probably be over-priced and run late, as our rail industry is a mess.

I've travelled on trains for a few years now, and the only journey that I was impressed by is the Virgin high speed service from Crewe to London Euston. It was on time both ways, fast and smooth. Everything was in good condition and how things should be.
I was going to post this thread last week, but got distracted. There was some goon on the radio saying how it was all on time and in budget... but how? It's not even really started? I expect it to be 3x over both by the end.
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