No most of what I said is pretty well regarded across every site/article you can find on the internet.......
And not just going by what people think on the internet, but also of the people that I know, who are around me.
Also didn't you say that you could quite happily live with 16GB internal storage on quite a few occasions when it came to the nexus 4?
Not quite true, the reason they were put of was due to lack of internal storage as well as SD slot, exactly the same with the one S, I am sure that if the nexus phones had 32GB option, more people would have got one, same reason a lot of people didn't get the one s, lack of internal storage as well as no sd slot, in fact iirc it was one of the main reasons that quite a few people went for the one X instead.
Besides, I am not debating against you and other people who want a SD slot, if you do need/want it, fair enough and I am not saying that they shouldn't have put a SD slot in (I agree that they should have) but to make it out like that is one of the main reasons as to why the htc one won't do well, is wrong.