HTC One vs Sony Xperia Z vs Samsung Galaxy S IV thread

True - however there's still not an ultimate droid that marry's premium build/design + SAMOLED + SD/64gb + proper nav buttons

+ being a half decent size?
All of the aforementioned devices are absolute behemoths. I'm all for large screens & high resolutions, but the size of them is ridiculous.
+ being a half decent size?
All of the aforementioned devices are absolute behemoths. I'm all for large screens & high resolutions, but the size of them is ridiculous.

I'd have to agree. I do think that 4.5" (maybe even 4.7") is the optimal size for a smart phone before you start getting into the want to be a small tablet territory. But it seems the craze is all for jumbo phones, like the ones Hauwei are making and also the stunning Lenovo K900 think it's 5.5" (which is also probably never be sold here).
I want a decent 4-4.3" Android to replace my HOS.

This year has been bad for Android variation, 5" bricks or recycled pap :(

Well the thing about the flip-out keyboard format is that you get the best of both worlds: since software keyboards take up a big proportion of the screen, having a flip-out phone essentially means you have a 3.5-4" screen that effectively becomes a 5" screen when you flip out the keyboard! :D The only cost is it being slightly thicker.
so then that post literally took the best images he(the poster) could find and merge them into one? daheck.

if i was to pick the best images from my old k800i i would pwn ONE too.. :D

No the photos are all there in the post (even some bad ones i.e. the lumia 920 VS one in low light), he has even linked to the sites so that people can see the rest of the images for themselves.

Reason he created that post is because the camera was being slated big time by a lot of people on XDA and other forums and the "bigger review sites" so he created that post to show the good side too rather than just the bad stuff, essentially showing the "potential" of the camera.
HTC one VS GS 4, gsmarena:

Samsung Galaxy S4 over HTC One

  • Bigger screen; works with gloves and air gestures
  • Higher resolution camera - 13MP vs. 4MP
  • Newer Android version - 4.2.2 vs. 4.1.2
  • Multi-window multitasking
  • Higher clock speed chipset
  • Expandable storage
  • User-replaceable battery of higher capacity
  • Additional sensors (barometer, thermometer, hygroscope)
  • Exclusive software features
  • Smaller, thinner, lighter

HTC One over Samsung Galaxy S4

  • Brilliant-looking aluminum unibody
  • Optical Image Stabilization, image sensor with 2µm pixel size
  • HTC Zoe, BlinkFeed
  • Front mounted stereo speakers, Beats Audio
  • FM Radio

Quite a fair/spot on comparison overall. I wouldn't put higher clock speed down as an advantage (since there is likely to be very little, if any difference between the two in real world usage) and multi-window view would surely go under exclusive software features....

Personally disagree with them on a few things, main thing being the software, I wouldn't say that touchwiz was any closer, if at all to stock android compared to sense V5, would say that was the case with the last touchwiz and sense V4+ but not now. Also, am I the only one that seems to like how the software looks/feels and like having a unified feel throughout? Hardly any sites seem to cover this when reviewing software, only phonearena have.

They also mention that launchers etc. are easy to change, yet don't seem to realise that you can get apps for toggles in the notification bar as well as other apps that can achieve what some of Samsung's "exclusive" features do, same goes for sense, although less so.

Pretty sure gsmarena have a faulty htc one though regarding the speakers as every other review comparing the one and gs 4 have said that the one is much louder and better depth levels etc.
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They really hammered the One's camera in that conclusion...

And its still camera was really nowhere near the level of the Samsung Galaxy S4 13MP shooter. Ultrapixels or not, 4MP can barely rival 2010 flagships on most occasions.

Seems to be most reviews main gripe. If only HTC had played it safe and even just stuck the One X's camera in there...

I'm not saying they are not onto something with the ultra pixel technology thingy but it's pretty clear it wasn't ready for prime time.
They really hammered the One's camera in that conclusion...

Seems to be most reviews main gripe. If only HTC had played it safe and even just stuck the One X's camera in there...

I'm not saying they are not onto something with the ultra pixel technology thingy but it's pretty clear it wasn't ready for prime time.

Agreed, it's a sad reality in these days of research before purchase the difference between scoring 9.7 or 9.6 across the board in comparative reviews can be lethal to sales, it wouldn't surprise me if the poor XZ out sells the loser based on its waterproof special ability.
Yeah but the photos do look crap there though so they can only judge with what they were given and I would agree with them on those photos of theirs.

But they should have at least mentioned that the reason the photos look so bad is down to their review unit, either to do with hardware and/or software due to the variable results across reviews/user opinions.

Their photos are some of the worse, if not the worse that I have seen so far.

Heck they should have at least linked to their own article on it:

Agreed, it's a sad reality in these days of research before purchase the difference between scoring 9.7 or 9.6 across the board in comparative reviews can be lethal to sales, it wouldn't surprise me if the poor XZ out sells the loser based on its waterproof special ability.

not that "lethal" :p

People aren't just going to go for a phone because there is a 0.1 point difference especially if it isn't good in the areas that they want (and if people are looking at reviews then they will know the basics and read the full thing or at the very least the conclusion, pros/cons of each device and decide what they want from a phone)

sony will most likely out sell the one due to brand name and the water proof thing as this will impress loads of people, not just average joes but the "techies" too.

However, the one could do a lot better than expected:

And that is just the USA!
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They really hammered the One's camera in that conclusion...

A really weird thing to say, in 2010 the flagships were the HTC Desire and the Galaxy S. The HTC One's camera is so much better than these phones, it really is. I'm not a butthurt One owner saying this by the way (although I choose to use the One as my daily device at the moment as I think it's so good).
well they review what htc supplies them with.. same as gs4 that isn't released yet.. i think HTC need to work on their QA and common sense department a lot.. things like sd slot(dadada im repeating my self) should be on the list of things a phone NEEDS, not an extra...

put it this way.. htc is in trouble.. they need to hit the bird 100% right..

they have a good design

premium materials..

and then they risk with the camera.. thats all good and stuff if the camera was actually any good they would get some good press.. but now they have risked it and now they are getting bad press for the camera.. hey ho pooping on their own face...

then it comes to things like sd card.. yes some people dont need it and yes others needs it..

so instead they will hit 50% of the market(lets say 50% of the market does not care about sd slot)

and lose the other 50% where they could simply have an sd slot and that would be it...

ditch the ONE tbh.. bring the DNA here in uk with snappie 600 and that aluminum and you'll have a good bite of samsungs android market share.. ;)

but then again.. common sense is not something htc has..

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A SD slot is not a necessary item for a lot of people and its not like they have completely skimped on internal storage and supposedly 64GB will be coming out here too (plus don't forget since it is a 4MP camera, photos won't take up as much space now)

How much space do your "average joe" friends use on their phones? My mum and dad wouldn't even use more than 1-2GB of storage on their lumia 800.

I didn't use any more than 5-6GB on my spica and I had a SD card.

On my S, I still have 5GB+ left (could easily free up the majority of space as I backup my photos etc. each day)

My friend with her new nexus 4 (had a gs 3 previously) doesn't use more than a 1-2GB, another friend doesn't use any more storage than what there is on his desire and another friend doesn't use any more storage than what he has on his GS 3.


The lack of SD slot is only a deal breaker for the the serious techies generally i.e. on XDA, which is hardly any.

If the SD slot/loads of storage were "so important", then people would not be buying iphones (most people I know of who own one just have the 16GB version), nexus devices etc.

Yes they should have just added a SD slot since it will cost very little and not impact design, to cover the people who do want it but to make it out like that is one of the main reasons for an instant fail and why the one won't do well is just completely wrong.

And if it the one was such a bad phone due to lack of SD slot and "bad" camera then the majority of review sites wouldn't be rating it as the "best phone ever so far", scoring it higher than 9.5 and the majority of users who own one wouldn't be praising it either.


heck even the nexus tablets are very popular and selling very well yet they lack SD slot and lots of internal storage and now those are devices where you would store a lot of films, videos etc.
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I wouldn't put people needing a SDcard at 50/50 to people who don't.

Know plenty of people with s2's, s3's that didn't even know that existed until they were told about it & then they still didn't care anyway.

What phones need is more internal storage not SDcards.
A SD slot is not a necessary item for a lot of people and its not like they have completely skimped on internal storage and supposedly 64GB will be coming out here too (plus don't forget since it is a 4MP camera, photos won't take up as much space now)

How much space do your "average joe" friends use on their phones? My mum and dad wouldn't even use more than 1-2GB of storage on their lumia 800.

I didn't use any more than 5-6GB on my spica and I had a SD card.

My friend with her new nexus 4 (had a gs 3 previously) doesn't use more than a 1-2GB, another friend doesn't use any more storage than what there is on his desire and another friend doesn't use any more storage than what he has on his GS 3.


The lack of SD slot is only a deal breaker for the the serious techies generally i.e. on XDA, which is hardly any.

If the SD slot/loads of storage were "so important", then people would not be buying iphones (most people I know of who own one just have the 16GB version), nexus devices etc.

Yes they should have just added a SD slot since it will cost very little and not impact design, to cover the people who do want it but to make it out like that is one of the main reasons for an instant fail and why the one won't do well is just completely wrong.

And if it the one was such a bad phone due to lack of SD slot and "bad" camera then they wouldn't be rating it as the "best phone ever so far", scoring it higher than 9.5 in the majority of reviews and the majority of users who own one wouldn't be praising it either.


heck even the nexus tablets are very popular and selling very well yet they lack SD slot and lots of internal storage and now those are devices where you would store a lot of films, videos etc.

thats the only point you're right on.. the rest is your opinion :) different people have different needs, the fact that i don't need 60gb right now doesn't mean i wont need it 2 months later.. put it this way a flagship phone should COVER all the points a phone needs and best it.. htc one does not do this.

s4 gets close but still still not there..

a lot of people were put of with no sd slot on nexus.. why not include it and win over more market share? its dumb.

i dont care what the review gives it.. its the reviewers personal opinion.. jeez its a good phone but it has some simple things that could have made it top flagship this year without and argument.
The only thing really that is stopping the One being a top flagship this year is the camera. People see the bad reviews for the camera & they will be put off it. [edit:- Also HTC's marketing.]

SDcard makes no difference you only have to look at the other side of the fence in the iPhone sector.
No most of what I said is pretty well regarded across every site/article you can find on the internet.......

And not just going by what people think on the internet, but also of the people that I know, who are around me.

Also didn't you say that you could quite happily live with 16GB internal storage on quite a few occasions when it came to the nexus 4?

Not quite true, the reason they were put of was due to lack of internal storage as well as SD slot, exactly the same with the one S, I am sure that if the nexus phones had 32GB option, more people would have got one, same reason a lot of people didn't get the one s, lack of internal storage as well as no sd slot, in fact iirc it was one of the main reasons that quite a few people went for the one X instead.

Besides, I am not debating against you and other people who want a SD slot, if you do need/want it, fair enough and I am not saying that they shouldn't have put a SD slot in (I agree that they should have) but to make it out like that is one of the main reasons as to why the htc one won't do well, is wrong.
The only thing really that is stopping the One being a top flagship this year is the camera. People see the bad reviews for the camera & they will be put off it. [edit:- Also HTC's marketing.]

SDcard makes no difference you only have to look at the other side of the fence in the iPhone sector.

it makes a difference in my case.. and i bet im not the only one? when i pay 500+ for a phone i need it to cover everything i want from it..

No most of what I said is pretty well regarded across every site/article you can find on the internet.......

And not just going by what people think on the internet, but also of the people that I know, who are around me.

Also didn't you say that you could quite happily live with 16GB internal storage on quite a few occasions when it came to the nexus 4?

Not quite true, the reason they were put of was due to lack of internal storage as well as SD slot, exactly the same with the one S, I am sure that if the nexus phones had 32GB option, more people would have got one, same reason a lot of people didn't get the one s, lack of internal storage as well as no sd slot, in fact iirc it was one of the main reasons that quite a few people went for the one X instead.

Besides, I am not debating against you and other people who want a SD slot, if you do need/want it, fair enough and I am not saying that they shouldn't have put a SD slot in (I agree that they should have) but to make it out like that is one of the main reasons as to why the htc one won't do well, is wrong.

i was.. and thats what im trying to say, things have changed and now i need more :) one reason im not purchasing nexus4...

sd slot, camera and overall "lets risk it when we're in a hole" attitude is wrong in my opinion.. im not saying this kills it.. but the fact is that they are digging a hole.. i mean DNA for .e.g is a brilliant peace of kit and its not released in uk.. for what reason?!
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it makes a difference in my case.. and i bet im not the only one? when i pay 500+ for a phone i need it to cover everything i want from it..

Yes but what I am getting at the people who don't need or don't care about it outweighs people who do need it.

Yes they probably should have put a slot in but it won't make a blind bit of difference to the vast majority of people out there.

You have to remember us guys on here & places like XDA are the minority of their consumer base.
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