HTC One vs Sony Xperia Z vs Samsung Galaxy S IV thread

Yes but what I am getting at the people who don't need or don't care about it outweighs people who do need it.

Yes they probably should have put a slot in but it won't make a blind bit of difference to the vast majority of people out there.

You have to remember us guys on here & places like XDA are the minority of their consumer base.

you may be right.. but the thing im trying to say here is that there's very little reason to not have an sd slot, i mean it would be one less thing for people to cry about and it would make a "more" complete device.. if only 10% of the customers wanted an sd slot thats still a lot of profits going poof..
you may be right.. but the thing im trying to say here is that there's very little reason to not have an sd slot, i mean it would be one less thing for people to cry about and it would make a "more" complete device.. if only 10% of the customers wanted an sd slot thats still a lot of profits going poof..

I agree with you don't get me wrong. More features the better to be fair.

I'm just trying to point out that it isn't something that would stop it being a top flagship phone. Apple manage it perfectly fine & have done since the original iPhone.

I don't hear people who own iPhones saying "hey you know what I really wish this phone had an SDcard slot"

There is the odd exception like yourself that wants that. But does that outweigh the cost of putting it in there in the first place. Well we'll never know.
Many people I know with iPhones tend to grab the 64GB version 'in case' they need it. They're not tech savvy so I think a case can be made for having an SD slot or at least a bigger storage option.
And anybody who wants to record HD video, which is a major selling point of the S4.

I have encountered no problems with 16GB on my S with regards to video recording (1080P and slow motion)

With 9.38GB, I could record about 1 hour and 50 minutes of 1080P footage.

The HTC one has 32Gb (which has probably about 25/27GB available to the user) and then if what stoosh posted is true, you have the choice of 64GB in a few months time.

Besides, that is to do with "storage", not a SD slot, which is what I am getting at :p

If HTC had announced that 64GB would be available everywhere from the very start, I don't think many people would be complaining/worried about the lack of a SD slot
Grudas is clearly correct if you read whats he's saying rather than interpreting it as an attack on a device or company folk have identified with and attacking his view, SD slot is important to some and HTC will lose all those potential sales, not me though as I was worried about my n4 yet I've got over 8gb free, doesn't stop Grudas's view being correct.
As I said, if he wants/needs it and other people want a SD slot then no problems, I am not disagreeing with that.

But it is pretty obvious that the way he was posting it was making it out like HTC one would fail big time, not sell well purely due to lack of SD slot (whether that was intentional or not is another matter):

things like sd slot(dadada im repeating my self) should be on the list of things a phone NEEDS, not an extra

then it comes to things like sd card.. yes some people dont need it and yes others needs it..

so instead they will hit 50% of the market(lets say 50% of the market does not care about sd slot)

and lose the other 50% where they could simply have an sd slot and that would be it...

Which is not true.

Again as I said:

I am not debating against you and other people who want a SD slot, if you do need/want it, fair enough and I am not saying that they shouldn't have put a SD slot in (I agree that they should have) but to make it out like that is one of the main reasons as to why the htc one won't do well, is wrong.


of course he could have just been using those figures to demonstrate his point but he should have made that more clear if that was the case :p As well as using "imo" more.

Anyway, as I said above, I don't think it necessarily the SD slot that bothers people but more the lack of internal storage for a flagship device "as well as" lack of of a SD slot
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i am not saying htc one will fail, what i am trying to say is that HTC is in no position to lose sales due to something as little as sd and they are in no position to take risks with new tech cameras when half the public is brainwashed into thinking "more mpx is better"

i want HTC to get their act together and make a device that you would have no excuses not to buy unless you preferred one design to another(this is something that you cant just get right) now in my case i have an excuse - camera and sd slot, and i bet i'm not the only one, and this is a lost sale.. = less profits for HTC and cold hard cash is what they need.

64gb would be perfect but i need a phone now, not in 3 months time.. :)
Many people I know with iPhones tend to grab the 64GB version 'in case' they need it. They're not tech savvy so I think a case can be made for having an SD slot or at least a bigger storage option.

That is why I said this Robbo
What phones need is more internal storage not SDcards.

Grudas is clearly correct if you read whats he's saying rather than interpreting it as an attack on a device or company folk have identified with and attacking his view, SD slot is important to some and HTC will lose all those potential sales, not me though as I was worried about my n4 yet I've got over 8gb free, doesn't stop Grudas's view being correct.

I'm not saying his view isn't correct. I'm just trying to point out that for the majority of their consumer base it isn't a thing that is really important. Yes they might lose out on 10% of sales. That is something those companies will have to deal with.

There could be many reasons why HTC decided not to include it. I know Googles view with the N4 was that they found the SDcard slot storage as complicated for the average joe.

In addition, Duarte addressed the question of SD cards, which are absent from Google's Nexus devices --

Everybody likes the idea of having an SD card, but in reality it's just confusing for users. If you’re saving photos, videos or music, where does it go? Is it on your phone? Or on your card? Should there be a setting? Prompt everytime? What happens to the experience when you swap out the card? It’s just too complicated.

It would be great if all phones came with SDcard slots & removeable batteries, But the truth is companies don't want to do this bar Samsung.

source for the quote:
i want HTC to get their act together and make a device that you would have no excuses not to buy unless you preferred one design to another(this is something that you cant just get right) now in my case i have an excuse - camera and sd slot, and i bet i'm not the only one, and this is a lost sale.. = less profits for HTC and cold hard cash is what they need.

64gb would be perfect but i need a phone now, not in 3 months time.. :)

Agreed the last thing I want is an apple or Samsung mobile phone world but I'm not gonna support a company unless they meet me half way, HTC need some new execs IMHO.
The lack of SD slot is only a deal breaker for the the serious techies generally i.e. on XDA, which is hardly any.

If the SD slot/loads of storage were "so important", then people would not be buying iphones (most people I know of who own one just have the 16GB version), nexus devices etc.

For me an SD card slot used to be a high requirement as once I dropped a phone into a drain but was able to retrieve the photos, some quite sentimental ones which I hadn't yet backed up.

This reason has disappeared totally now there are decent cloud services/apps. I just use Dropbox.
I personally feel that, aside from storage, the HTC One comes out on top in most areas against the GS4 and XZ.

I thought the GS4 would eclipse it, but it just hasn't done the business for me at least.

Well done HTC, now sort the build quality (issues) out. :p
I agree wholeheartedly. I've owned a XZ for a month, great phone can't really fault it. Had the S3 so don't fancy a S4 it's just too similar to the S3.

The HTC One is different though, sleek design, good speakers and a refreshing interface.
What about battery life on the xz? I find it terrible, doesn't quite manage a day on a charge.

Like any smartphone depends on what you do. I get 3 hours screen time with Google now enabled and med to high brightness. Mostly Web browsing, bit of phone calls easily lasts the day. If I disable Google now and lower brightness the screen time can easily be extended by an hour.

Better battery life then my s3 tbh.
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