HTC Vive Excited Like Kids Thread (My Vive arrived)

Have you had any tracking issues with the lighthouses on the desks? When i set mine up like that I ended up with dead spots in the middle of the room when the lighthouses couldn't see each other due to me obscuring their view of each other. I ended up using the wall mounts and sticking them in the corners of the room.

Your VR collection looks like mine :D
Ok, so if I was buying ONE today is just get the Vive.

If you're saving up, save up for the Rift and Touch.

Couple of reasons:

1) Rift screen has better pixel fill and less screen door resulting in the appearance of higher resolution
2) The Rift headset is lighter and has a better fit
3) Rift integrated headphones are a god send
4) Camera isn't as useful as you might think when combined with how easy the Rift headset comes off/on with one hand.
5) people that have tried the touch controllers comment on them being functionally identical to Vive controllers so it's a dead heat in that part.

Don't get me wrong, the Vive with controllers has all the wow factor you could ask for, but so will the Touch once they're out.
Yes, all sorts of tracking problems being on my desk! :)

Just got it last night and only had an hour to setup (30 mins) and use.

I'm reluctant to fix them to the walls just yet as I'm clearing out the room where we keep the junk for perminant setup.
Your assertions regarding the Vive vs Rift mirror mine. If you want the wow factor TODAY, then buy the Vive. If you want the best headset then get the Rift and wait for touch.

I found reading the gauges in DCS to be easier with the Rift by the way. How do you find it by comparison? I also find the the Vive is harder to position on my face in the sweet-spot for maximum sharpness. The Rift just seems to sit perfectly straight away. Maybe I have a Rift shaped face!

One thing I've been wondering is whether I can plug the Rift in to the Vive's control box thus allevating having to go round the back of my PC to change headsets. It looks to be just a USB and HDMI passthough with some power injection.
Yeah, I'd agree. The screen is just a fraction better on the Rift but it makes all the difference.

Not tried DCS specifically but I find focusing on both quite easy, but again just prefer the comfort of the Rift.

Not sure about the breakout box - interesting thing to try however!

One thing I've not been able to replicate is the Rift and Vive plugged into the same machine that people have said they have working. I've got 980's in SLI (which I disable) but had no luck with the Vive in the 2nd card, it had to go in the first to work.

Saying that, that MIGHT be because I was running out of USB juice! Kept complaining about power usage until I disconnected everything I could find!
Out of interest for a muggle like me, why did you disable SLI?

I have 2 x 980ti on my machine and have been thinking about how to connect my HMD if it ever arrives - unfortunately I use a rather lovely samsung 4k tv as my monitor so that hogs my only HDMI port on the master GPU. I believe if I want to use SLI i can't use the second card's HDMI so will need a displayport to hdmi for the Tv to leave the hdmi open for the Rift. - how have you got it hooked up?
Out of interest for a muggle like me, why did you disable SLI?

I have 2 x 980ti on my machine and have been thinking about how to connect my HMD if it ever arrives - unfortunately I use a rather lovely samsung 4k tv as my monitor so that hogs my only HDMI port on the master GPU. I believe if I want to use SLI i can't use the second card's HDMI so will need a displayport to hdmi for the Tv to leave the hdmi open for the Rift. - how have you got it hooked up?

SLI doesn't give the improvements you'd expect with VR at the moment simply because the games available haven't been designed to take advantage of it.

This is likely to change in the near future as both Nvidia and AMD have released support for VR with their SLI configurations but nothing (that I'm aware of) benefits from it at the moment.

By having SLI disabled I was under the impression that both HDMI sockets should work BUT I've honestly only spent an hour, unboxing (taking photos) setting up and playing games. I didn't investigate the issue other than "why isn't this working while plugged in with my Rift? **** it, I'll just unplug everything else - it works, woop!"
Oh monkey balls...

I saw the latest Nvidia driver update included VRworks which says it allows each GPU to render an eye individually. I just kind of figured that would be automatic through the Nvidia drivers since the game doesn't know any differently - it's still rendering the two viewpoints and the nvidia drivers would take care of distributing the frames... I assume that isn't the case then?
Oh monkey balls...

I saw the latest Nvidia driver update included VRworks which says it allows each GPU to render an eye individually. I just kind of figured that would be automatic through the Nvidia drivers since the game doesn't know any differently - it's still rendering the two viewpoints and the nvidia drivers would take care of distributing the frames... I assume that isn't the case then?

it needs to be added to each application by the developer - there was a comment on CCP's twitter a while ago about VR-SLI and EVE:Valkyrie which suggests they might be using it (but I no longer have SLI to test)
Yeah, I'd agree. The screen is just a fraction better on the Rift but it makes all the difference.

its not the screen, its the lenses - the lenses on the Vive are basically just round lenses, so the corners of each panel go unused - the lenses on the Rift have a kind of squareness to them that means that they go more in to the corners of the panels and present more of the available pixels to the user

text in stuff like DCS and Elite is quite a bit clearer in the Rift, I found

there are people on Reddit saying the Vive box works with the Rift, and also that they've had success playing 2 different games on 2 different GPU's / headsets at the same time on the same PC
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Having used the controllers on the Vive there's no way I could go back to a VR experience without them now. Only exception being flight/racing sims I guess.

Very impressed with the Vive on the whole. My only criticisms would be it's not the comfiest and faffing about with headphones is a real pain. Black levels are awful too although that's a problem with the Rift too by all accounts. Shame as the blacks on the DK2 were pretty good.
it needs to be added to each application by the developer - there was a comment on CCP's twitter a while ago about VR-SLI and EVE:Valkyrie which suggests they might be using it (but I no longer have SLI to test)

Yeah I've just been reading up on it - unreal engine 4 has apparently built in VR sli (and all the other VRWorks stuff) at engine level, and Unity have just announced VRworks support soon. I believe Eve: Valkyrie is built in UE4 so that would explain the VR SLI support.

So that's two big game engines with support baked in now or in the near future. Seems the performance gains are significantly better than traditional SLi so hopefully it's something that sees more widespread support. Having each eye rendered by a separate GPU seems to be the perfect way to make dual GPUs more relevant (and desirable) again.
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Having used the controllers on the Vive there's no way I could go back to a VR experience without them now. Only exception being flight/racing sims I guess.

So you WOULD go back to an experience without them? :)

While I agree that motion controllers are ****ing fantastic I disagree that VR without them isn't worth playing.

Cronos, Luckys Tale, Air Mech, even Eve Valkyrie (to name just a few) are fantastic games to play with a controller.

It's just a different genre - motion controllers isn't the answer to everything.

While likely I COULD play "Zombie Shooter 3000" with amazing gun interactions and cover based shooting where I need to dive around my room it's likely that come the end of the day that a simple top down arcade shooter will keep me going into the evening.

There's a time and a place for everything and as engaging as motion controllers are they don't completely replace those experiences that exist that can do without it.

Oh, by the way, if you've never acctually played something like Cronos, Lucks Tale or tried the fantastic VR demo for Mythos of the World Axis ( you're seriously missing out on a whole genre of games that are totally compelling in VR. It's like playing with toy soldiers on your table as a kid, but instead of inanimate objects you use your remote control to move them around - it's freaking brilliant :)
Thankfully my main motivation is for games like project cars, elite (eventually star citizen I hope) and the like where one is using wheels/hotas/pedals most of the time.

I think I can happily twiddle away the time in those games without missing motion controllers until the touch becomes available. I would love to have a go on the Vive with the motion controllers in the mean time though, hopefully I'll get a chance to try it out some time!
Dont suppose you could post a couple of pictures of the wall mounts? I want to put my on the walls, wondering if they come with screws or how they are mounted and whether some hefty tape might just surfice
Well, you know a sure fire way to spoil your weekend?

One of your Vive controllers breaking when you only used it for 30 minutes!

Totally gutting!

Working fine all last night, then picked it up this evening for a quick wee blast before bed and one of the controllers triggers is sticking.

It might not look like a problem (due to the fact that it's still got a positive "click") but the implementation of the triggers in Steam (for example) seems to acknowledge you holding the button down before clicking, almost like it's "locking" onto the selection for you.

So effectively the button doesn't actually work any more because it doesn't want to release the "lock" on the last thing you pointed at.


Emailed support, will see what happens next :(
ahh man that sucks. gutted for you. hopefully they sort it quickly, my fear would be they don't have spare parts distributed yet.
Interesting to see what these graphics are like. i purposely cancelled the rift because i want the full VR experience. I also heard that neither screens are good enough really for reading text on your ship as well as seeing the track ahead. So my perhaps flawed logic was, well I'll be buying the next gen why not get room experience now.

I am not entirely convinced Oculus will support a room experience. Something is fishy i think.
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